Chapter Twenty: To Wage a War

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Link should've known something was off the moment Zelda ran into his open embrace. But, like the idiot he was, he pretended everything was still fine between them.

"It's time to go home," he whispered. Zelda had her arms around the hero's neck and face buried into the crook of his neck.

"I was so scared Link," she finally released him and met his tender gaze. "I didn't think you were going to come for me. I actually let myself believe you were going to choose him!"

Zelda looked so hopeful, but Link refused to acknowledge her last statement. A heavy silence hung between them, and her smile faltered a bit.

"Zelda, your dad will be so happy to see you again." He held out a hand. "Let's go."

Zelda looked at him, and her gleeful expression vanished. "You chose me, right Link?"

Link's withdrew his hand back to his side. "If I hadn't chosen to save you, I wouldn't be here right now-"

"That's not what I meant!" Zelda's hands clinched into fists as she glared at her beloved hero. Her breathing grew a little erratic as tears started to sting her eyes.

"Zelda..." The hero started, "Hylia bound me to him. I can't just pretend to not love him, so you can keep living in this fantasy that one day we're going to get married."

Her bottom lip quivered and a couple tears finally slid down her pale cheeks. "So it's over?"

"There was nothing ever there. I love you as a friend, Zel. I-"

"Don't you dare Zel me!" The maiden pointed a finger accusingly at Link. "We will never be the and unless you come to your senses Link."


"And on a side note, don't be surprised if your precious demon goes missing one day. I am a human reincarnation of a goddess, and I will not let the hero go to bed with a monster!" Zelda roughly pushed her way past Link and out of the room. The hero stood there, feeling dazed and confused to his childhood friend's outburst. After coming back to his senses, he, too, exited the room.

"I will guide you back to your homeland Miss," Impa stated.

"Very well," Zelda sniffled and walked towards Impa and the gate. She refused to look back at Link as she exited the past and went into their present time period.

Impa looked back at the hero and hesitated. "You're sure there's no longer a threat."

"Yes," he lied.

"Are you coming back to Skyloft, too?"

Link hadn't thought about that yet. What would he do now that there wasn't a girl to be saved at the moment? He very seriously doubted that Ghirahim would want to shack up in Skyloft until Wysteria wreaked havoc. The demon craved excitement, and Skyloft just didn't have that.

"I don't think so," Link admitted. "Besides, I don't feel as if I would be exactly greeted with a warm welcome there now." Impa nodded knowingly, and left the duo alone.

Link glanced over at Ghirahim, but the demon still refused to acknowledge him. Giving up, Link went back through the gate, and his companion reluctantly followed behind.


"No father, I am not fine!" Zelda seethed and grumpily sat down on a chair in the headmaster's office.

"But you've returned safely Dear-"

"Link doesn't love me." Her father immediately rushed to her side and embraced his daughter as she started to sob. "We were supposed to get married!"

"Zelda, I know you love him but..." He kneeled down in front of the pouting maiden. "We've known that Link wasn't bound to you. He didn't see color when you did. Maybe it's time to look at other options and try to fall in love with a better fit suitor."

Zelda's mouth fell agape at the suggestion. Had her father gone crazy? Obviously, Link was the best for for her! "And there's a specific boy that already has my blessing."

"Is this a bad time?" Zelda whipped her head around to see who the intruder on their conversation was. Immediately, she knew this was a set up.

"No, of course not Groose." Her father began to walk out of the room, and patted the taller male on the shoulder. "I guess I'll just leave you two alone then."

Zelda stared dead ahead as Groose slowly walked in front of where she sat. She couldn't believe her father was encouraging this.

"Zelda, it's been so long," he started. "You've grown so much since I last saw you."

She finally turned her watery gaze to him. "As have you."

Groose darkly chuckled at her response before shaking his head. "Zelda, I know you feel terribly sad and alone right now. I know this is simply a ludicrous request, but I need you to try. I'll never be him, but I'll be there for you. I'll treat you like a lady, and I'll never stop loving you."

Zelda stifled a distressed cry as Groose got onto one knee in front of her. "Groose, I-"

"Zelda, everyone knows about you and what happened down there. No one has seen Link return. We don't know what happened to him. And frankly, the whole village is scared. There's evil down there, and we all have this feeling that what happened isn't over. They need a leader now, and they want to follow you. You are, after all, Hylia's reincarnate. So please Zelda, become their queen. They need you," Groose pleaded.

Zelda worriedly unclasped and clasped her hand together. She was sure her bottom lip would bleed at anytime from how much she was chewing at it. "What does any of this have to do with... Us?"

There was a sparkle in Groose's eyes, and she mentally kicked herself for so carelessly using the endearment "us." "Well," he paused clearing his throat, "if you're going to be the queen of this place, you'll need a king to rule by your side."

It was at that moment Groose dug in his pocket before pulling out a tiny, black box. "Please, try to love me Zelda. If not for me, for Skyloft. Please marry me, Zelda."

The box pooped open and inside was the most breathtaking ring the girl had ever seen. However, she knew she'd never be able to love someone like Groose, but as she was about to decline, a wonderful idea popped into her head.

"I'll try, Groose," she whispered. "I don't see how it could be hard to love someone like you, you're so... Perfect."

The boy's eyes lit up and he gingerly took the ring out of the box. Zelda's eyes mischievously twinkled as he slid the ring onto her finger.

How the cards were playing in her favor...

A/N: We're so close to the end guys ;-; But that means soon that the scene you guys have wanted me to write, will be popping up shortly ;)

The contests results will be posted on the next chapter. Sorry for the wait!!!

I hated writing this chapter. Zelda's such a fish.

Check out ZeldaGoddess 's new GhiraLink story, Chance! I promise you won't be disappointed.

Keep Calm and Read On!

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