Chapter Eight: Wish We Could Turn Back Time

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Link's boots softly thudded against the cracked, tiled floors of the dungeon in Eldin. Blue eyes searched around for any monster that might leap out of nowhere and attack him, but nobody came. In fact, he hadn't encountered a single creature throughout the dungeon since he entered it.

The Hylian cautiously peered around a corner, setting sight on a grande set of locked doors. Despite himself, he quickly looked away in fear of what he knew was on the other side. His back was planted against a warm wall as he tried to steady his breathing and calm his nerves.

Finally gathering courage, Link walked around the corner and up to the locked doors. His hand wandered down to his adventure pouch where the golden key resided. It had only taken him around two hours to find the hidden object due to the fact that the building seemed empty of monsters, and all the puzzles had already been solved. The Hylian tried to shake his unease away at how easy all of this had been, but a small shred of unease still clung on. Swallowing the lump in his throat, Link fumbled around with the key before inserting if correctly.

The hero backed up a few step as the doors let out a low click and swung apart all on their own. His eyes glanced down the long, winding staircase that seemed to descend into the Hells below. Quickly, as to not lose his nerve, the hero slowly made his way downstairs into the inevitable.


Link finally made his way to the final step and walked out onto what appeared to be an extremely long platform. He nervously looked this way and that before he started to slowly make his way along the platform. The hero sighed in relief as the site of a golden, glowing door, baring the design or a triforce, came into view. However, that peace was short lived as metal bars suddenly slip down the door, locking the boy inside. On instinct, Link drew his sword.

"I hope you appreciated the lack of enemies and puzzles throughout the dungeon, Skychild," a velvety voice purred. "But, I wanted to make sure that I would be the one to tear you apart, limb by limb."

Link turned around, confronting the voice, but was frozen in livid fear at the sight of Ghirahim. All he could do was helplessly listen as his enemy continued to ramble on.

"No defiant remarks today, SkyChild? I guess I should have expected your voice to be strained from our previous encounter. That's a shame. I quite live the sound of your voice, especially when it's making some shameful noises," the demon cruelly confided.

On cue, Link shakily backed away. His face instantaneously heated up as tears threatened to spill at the horrible memory.

"Hmm, what do you think Zelda would think if she saw you like this?"

The hero bit his lip, not able to answer the question without a groan spilling out.

"It's rather rude not to answer a question directed to you, SkyChild," Ghirahim warned.

In a different situation where he wasn't being completely defiled by his enemy, the boy probably would have laughed at how hypocritical the villain was being.

"Or maybe you're too ashamed to answer because you're imagining her doing this instead of me," the demon lord taunted.

The statement hit its intended target.

"Ahg, shut...up already!"

A sadistic smirk contorted Ghirahim's face as he merely replied, "If you wish."

A look of panic swept across Link's sweaty and heavily blushing face.

"No, stop! That's not what I meant-"

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