Chapter Three: An Unlikely Alliance

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She was sitting on a fallen log, her voluptuous blonde curls sitting snugly over a shoulder. The loose, white dress she had always worn still adorned her, and those milky blue eyes stared at him. He would not give her the satisfaction of revealing any emotion.

"Hylia," the demon bit out.

The three syllables came out of his mouth abruptly, almost by surprise.

"Ghirahim," her voice breathed, "I'm not going to stop what I'm doing."

The demon bit back an angry retort while fighting back hot tears that stung the corners of his eyes. His mother hadn't changed in the centuries they were separated. She couldn't even pretend that maybe he had come for a family reunion. He took a breath, then spoke again.

"On my behalf, I don't care what happens to the boy, but I don't understand. This doesn't make anything more difficult for me, if anything, it makes my job easier. So, why?"

"I'm sorry to say this, but you're acting irrationally... If you're even capable of carrying out this task, there's an extremely slim chance of it successfully working," a calculating voice chimed out. "Binding people together isn't the answer. Especially on all the one way connections you're planning to make. It isn't fair to them."

The sword spirit cocked her head to the side, taking in the sight of her distressed mother. Even if she had taken more from Demise's side, she always shared the same view of equality as Hylia did. She tugged a piece of her sapphire hair behind her ear as it fell out of place.

"I know you have only the best of intentions, but this isn't going to get Ghirahim back, nor will it put a cease to his plan. What is your goal here?"

A plump hand waved up more figures in the air with a shimmer of light magic. "Okay, Fi. You see that boy over there?" As her daughter nodded when she pointed towards a particular animated person, she continued. "That's Link, the hero chosen by me to protect the spirit maiden who will carry a hefty part of my soul. Said spirit maiden will be bound to him in an endless heap of raw love, but he will not return her feelings. You're a smart girl Fi. I'm sure you know the reasoning behind that unrequited connection."

"I do. If the spirit maiden is bound to him, but he can not return her love, he will always be plagued by an immense amount of guilt at the sorrow this causes her. He will always feel like he owes her something, so he'll do anything for her and never turn away from the light," the petite spirit paused, " but I feel there is a reason, besides saving the girl, you made sure he wouldn't turn away from the light."

Hylia beamed in approval at the girl's observation. "I'm glad you noticed that. While this does help protect the future bearer of my soul, I'm doing this for him Fi. I won't let Ghirahim turn out like his father. So, I am binding the hero to him."

Fi's eyes widened in alarm at the statement. "You can't! This has misfortune written all over it, Hylia. There are so many possible endings to this theory... Link could be corrupted because of the sheer darkness that resides in my brother. Or, he could kill himself because of his dark and conflicting thoughts. And it's not like you have the ability to bind Ghirahim since he has very little Hylian blood, so it'll be another one sided connection. Besides, what if Link somehow uses this to kill Ghirahim?"

"I know this has more of a chance of failing than actually working, but, at this point, it's my last resort. Ghirahim may always hate me and never return home, but I won't let him follow in the footsteps of his father. Link may fall under the corruption of Ghurahim, but I hope his never ending guilt won't allow it. I know Ghirahim won't be able to be bound, so it's one sided, but I'm putting faith in Link to change that. I'm hoping he'll change Ghirahim. And lastly, I'm not stupid. I'm putting extra precautions on Link's bind. Anytime his sword clashes with your brother, he'll be temporarily color blind, followed suit by a raging headache. If that isn't enough to deter him and he does kill my only son, I'll make the hero rot in the depths of Hell alongside Demise," Hylia ranted.

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