Chapter Seven: Bound By Blood

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"I hate you so much," Ghirahim groaned, causing Fi to laugh.

"You're just jealous of my skill," she teased.

"Skill?" The demon snorted. "All you do is blindly swing that thing around."

"I can still wield a dagger better than you though," the Hylian retorted.

Ghirahim ran a hand through his usual messy white hair, and walked back to his side of the training room. He refaced Fi and summoned another dagger.

"Come on, at least help me practice if you're going to say I suck. I need to get this move right!"

Fi smiled to herself and slowly walked back to her starting position.

"Okay, but don't whine this time when I beat your ass," she joked, flashing a grin at him.

Ghirahim just rolled his eyes at her and ran to try and make the first blow. Fi easily sidestepped him with a genuine smile on her face. Even though she would never admit it, she loved practicing fighting techniques with her little brother.

Two Years Later

Fi rolled her shoulder back and forced a grin out.

"You've really improved. I haven't been able to land a blow on you at all today," she muttered.

"Yeah, Dad thinks I'm really good. He wants me to fight beside him, but Mom won't let me. She's too worried about me getting hurt," Ghirahim nonchalantly replied.

"He wants you to fight with him?" Her worry bled into her voice, causing Ghirahim to give her a disgusted glance.

"I don't need a second mother," he retorted.

"No, no, I'm happy for you. You should go and fight. You're ever more swift with a dagger now than I am," she explained, trying to cover up the unhappiness in her voice.

"Yeah, thanks, but it's all thanks to you. I would never have gotten this good if you hadn't let me practice with you," Ghirahim reflected. "But I gotta go talk to Dad now. See you at dinner!"

Fi watched her brother walk out of the room, dismay clear on her face. His fighting techniques had gotten sharper, but also much more violent. He was striking the same way Demise was and a certain glint in his eye shine whenever he nicked Fi. It was deeply unsettling and disturbing. The Hylian shook her head to dispel the thought. There was no way Ghirahim would ever turn out like their father.

Four Years Later

"I hate you," the demon snarled.

"You're just jealous that I stayed with Mom!"

"That's a cute thought, but I never want to see that slut again," he sneered.

"At least I still have a loving parent now that Demise is gone," Fi spat out.

"How dare you!"

The demon lunged at his sister, dagger in hand, but Fi dodged his attack. Ghirahim fell down to the ground, not able to catch himself.

"I see I'm still the superior when it comes to fighting," the Hylian coldly observed.

Ghirahim looked up at her, not bothering to get up. His breath was ragged and his chest heaved up and down from the built up anger inside of him.

"Kill me then. I'm a threat to humanity. If you let me leave, I'm going to resurrect Demise and help carry out his plan." Ghirahim looked up at Fi. "Kill me!"

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