Chapter Five: Hotter Than Lava

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"If I don't find this dungeon soon, I'm going to become one with the lava," Link muttered under his breath.

His dirty blonde bangs were plastered to his forehead and the tips of his ears were burned red from the unforgiving sun. He had long ago devoured his last bottle of water and was currently running on sheer luck.

After a few more minutes of fruitless traveling, with a few profanities strung here and there, the hero tensed as an almost silent chime sounded behind him. Link merely kept walking and ignored his irritating foe.

"You do realize you're going the wrong way, right?"

Link jerked his body around, stomping in the opposite direction he had been walking.

"Go away," the hero muttered.

Ghirahim folded his arms around his chest with a raised eyebrow. Nevertheless, he kept following the agitated teen.

"Sorry, no can do, Skychild. I still have my research-"

"Yes, I know! You're research where you screw with my mind," Link snarled as he whipped around to face Ghirahim. "I'm so tired of this deal I made with you, and it's barely even been a week! But do you care? No because you don't give two damns about anyone other than yourself!"

The demon's eyes narrowed at the vicious tone of the other.

"Why would I care about you? You're my enemy," Ghirahim stated flatly.

"Oh, right, excuse me. I forgot I'm the only one in this bond. I forgot that I'm the only of us pining away after the other, even though I really want to hate him," the blonde sneered.

"Well, you'd do well to not forget that again," the villain coldly replied.

"You are freaking unbelievable!"

In an instant, Link had unsheathed his sword and pounced at Ghirahim. The demon, not missing a beat, conjured up his magic and caught the blade between his fingers. The hero's eyes widened in disbelief as he struggled to regain control of his sword, but quickly scurried backwards as the weapon was ripped out of his grip.

"Quite the sword you have here," he commented,"but as long as you keep telegraphing your moves like the novice you are, you'll never land a blow."

The demon shoved the blade of the sword down into the baked ground and looked at Link disappointed. "I honestly expected so much better from you, Skychild. I didn't believe you to be the type to go back on his word."

"I don't care about our stupid truce," he spat out.

"Well, you should. I could kill you at a snap of my fingers," Ghirahim held up a hand for emphasis, "It'd be wise of you to care about the truce."

"What do you want?"

"Well, I did just decide to tag along for research, but you say you know for certain that you are bound to me?" Link curtly nodded his head in answer. "But how would you know?"

"Fi told me," the boy said, shrugging his shoulders.

Ghirahim froze at the answer, looking at Link like he had gone mad. "Who. Told. You?"

Link worriedly looked at the other male as the atmosphere became more tense.

"I-uh... No one told me anything," the hero gulped.

The demon lost his temper, grabbed Link's arm and flung him down to the ground. Before the child could even catch his breath, he was greeted by three daggers twirling threateningly right in front of his face.

"I swear to Hylia, Link, if you don't repeat who told you, you can kiss those pretty, blue eyes of yours goodbye," the demon threatened.

"I said Fi! Fi told me," Link nervously rambled.

"And who is Fi?"

"Fi is the sword spirit that resides in my sword. You know the sword you just put in the the ground? The one I-"

"That's enough Skychild," the demon lord barked, "I know what you're talking about."

Link let out a breath he didn't know he had been holding as the daggers disappeared. The boy quickly scrambled back to his feet, far, far, away from the currently angered male. Ghirahim was looking down at the sword with disgust.

"It was nice playing with you Skychild, but I fear I must leave now. I have some rather important meetings to attend to now," Ghirahim declared.

Before he disappeared, the demon lord whisked Link in his arms for a quick kiss. Before the boy could even react, Ghirahim was gone.


This time, Ghirahim found her standing beside a bubbling pool of lava.

"Careful, you might fall in," the demon deadpanned.

"Oh, how you would enjoy that," Hylia coldly laughed before facing her son.

"So," Ghirahim started, "how's my sister doing?"

"Don't fight me about this, Ghirahim," the chubby blonde firmly stated.

"Not fight you? Not fight you? You turned her into a sword spirit!"

"Just like Demise turned you into one," she snapped back. "What do you care anyways? You left her."

"I didn't leave Fi. I left you," Ghirahim snarled. "But I'm sure you told her otherwise to get her to agree to this."

"Leaving me meant you also left her. You know that-"

"Shut up. Just shut up already! The Fi I know would have never willingly given up her human life," the demon lord growled.

"She thought the same of you," Hylia whispered.

"What are you talking about?"

"She never liked my plan, Ghirahim. She always said it was unfair and wouldn't work," the goddess admitted. "But after she saw you just give up your human form, your human life, to your father, Fi couldn't stand the feud anymore. She volunteered to be the next sword spirit to guide the chosen hero, but she had one condition."

Ghirahim waited.

"She refused to do this unless I took away all her human emotions. She can't feel anything but the rage and loss of battle now," Hylia murmured, rehashing bad memories.

Ghirahim grit his jaw and furiously paced around. After a couple minutes, he spoke again.

"Will she ever be able to be human again?"

"Yes, my child," Ghirahim winced at the name, "She'll return to being human under the same conditions Demise gave to you; once the war is over."

"So, if it's the same conditions, it also stands that it doesn't mean what side wins, as long as it's over," the villain inquired.

"Yes but-," Ghirahim cut her off.

"Then I'm going to end this right now."

With a snap, he disappeared with rapier in hand, leaving behind a shocked Hylia.

"I see my plan had a single tear, many flaws, but a single undoing," she whispered, before, she too, disappeared.

A/N: Where do I even start with this train wreck? Ghirahim has a habit of kissing Link when they meet just to mess with the boy, nothing else. Sorry I haven't introduced daddy Demise yet, but all will come in due time. Don't any of you fuckers dare feel bad for Hylia.

Next chapter leads to a massive change of events, so be warned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And there's also a trigger warning for it, but I'll explain that more in the beginning of the next chapter.

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