Chapter Six: Ready Or Not (TW)

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A/N: Trigger Warning for NonCon. I'll provide a brief summary of this chapter in the next update if you find that you can't read this one.

"Master, I highly advise that you start running," Link's sword softly warned.

The hero raise an eyebrow incredulously. "What are you talking about, Fi?"

"Master Link, you have to start running right now," the female sword spirit paused, "I know I'm not supposed to alter your journey, but this is a life or death situation."

"What on earth are you talking about-"

Link was cut off in silent horror as he stared at the dagger lodged in his left arm. He was in too much shock to feel the pain yet, but he knew the one enemy he had encountered that used daggers. Needless to say, the boy started to run as best as he could with his injured arm.

As his feet pounded against the scorched ground, a small trail of blood exuded from the injury. If the hero was to pull the blade out, he'd likely lose a lot of his blood and leave a trail that could easily be followed. Ghirahim already seemed to have the upper hand, and Link wasn't about to give him any more advantages.

His head snapped right and left as he ran, trying to catch a glimpse of that smirking bastard, but the demon was nowhere to be seen. And unfortunately enough, Link looked behind him as he ran into something warm and sturdy. The hero's sapphire eyes shook in pure fear as a gloved hand painfully grabbed a fistful of his hair and threw him to the ground. Ghirahim was already on top of him before Link even had time to think of escape.

"I'm done toying with you, Skychild," Ghirahim seethed as he bound the boy's hands above his head with magic, "At this point, I don't even care about my research anymore."

Link blinked up at his enemy with worry as his hands became immovable, and confusion eventually settled in at the rather abrupt mood change in the demon.

"Why are you-"

"Silence!" Ghirahim barked, slicing across Link's cheek to punctuate the order.

The blonde whimpered as he felt another blade tear into his skin while the other dug painfully into his arm.

"I'm done with you, Link. My life was so much easier before you can't and screwed everything up," Ghirahim sneered.


Ghiralink stabbed the boy's other arm, eliciting another whimper.


This time he dragged the blade down the length of the arm, immediately causing a crimson waterfall to appear.


Not quite satisfied with the hero's subdued reactions, the sadist twirled his weapon into a collarbone, earning a delicious cry.


He shoved his dagger down through the other's shoulder, getting lost in bloodlust.


Ghirahim cupped Link's trembling face softly in his hands before he sharply bit the other's bottom lip, drawing blood. The demon sucked on that torn lip, enthralled by the metallic taste, earning a hiss of pain from the male beneath him. Finally, he pulled away from Link.

"Yet, I can't kill you right now. Not because I've grown soft or am merciful, but because I am a man of my word, and I refuse to kill you on truce. I'll have to wait for us to meet in battle, but, until then, I can make you wish you were never born," the demon lord dangerously whispered into one of those elongated ears.

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