Chapter Twenty Three: Colorless

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A/N: I love you guys.

"Where are you going?"

A sleepy hand groped for the other male that was sitting on the edge of the bed. The demon softly shook his head and chuckled.

"I'll be right back, Skychild. Don't worry," Ghirahim soothed the younger male.

The demon leaned over and pressed a gentle kiss to the other's forehead before standing up.

"Just remember that I'll always love you Link. Okay?"

Sapphire eyes meekly peered out of half closed eyelids.

"Mhmm, I love you too, Ghirahim," the blonde whispered against his pillow.

As Link closed his eyes again, Ghirahim's lip quivered. He had to leave now.

"Goodbye, Link."

The blonde was too tired to respond. Ghirahim drifted out of their room, to the inevitable. When the gentle click of the door locking behind him sounded, Link tiredly opened his eyes again.

He dumbly stared at the door for a few seconds before his gaze traveled elsewhere. His eyes landed on the red cloak that was folded over a chair and his eyebrows furrowed together.

That's weird. He wears that thing everywhere.

Not thinking much more of it, Link's stare traveled back to the door as he waited for Ghirahim to return.



The hylian's ears tuned into the sound of the clock as he waited.



At first it wasn't noticeable. Only a film of gray flickered at the edges of his vision.



But then, colorless spots scattered themselves across his vision. The teen shook his head, trying to stop his exhaustion from playing games with him.



Link didn't realize what was happening until a black and white filter clouded his vision. He jerked the blankets off of him and ran out the room.



Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. Tears streamed down his face as he sprinted through endless hallways. The hylian was running out of time.



All color drained from his vision. All he saw was endless shades of gray in front of him. He still kept running though, not wanting to believe what he already knew.

The clock struck eight.

As he threw his body outside, he crumpled to the ground and let out an inhuman shriek.

Ghirahim had been shot through the heart with an arrow.

A/N: Didn't I tell yawll the prologue would eventually make sense?

Alright, that's it folks. This was the last chapter of Monochrome.

However, there will be a sequel called, Colorless. I'll add another update to this story when that one gets published. But don't expect it to be up immediately because I need to get To Play With Fire up and running.

So, I really want to do the idea I had where I would include a bonus little chapter where you could ask the characters (or me) questions and we'd answer them. So if I get at least three questions, I'll put that in here for closure. So make sure to put your inquiries in the comments or pm me if you'd like it to be anonymous.

I currently don't really have any rps going on so anyone want to Ghiralink rp??? Pm or kik me

Well, thank you guys. Thank all of you wonderful people for reading, voting, and commenting. It means so much to me!

Until next time,
Keep Calm and Read On!

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