Chapter Nineteen: Old Grudges

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"I see you're back," the old woman greeted them.

Everything had been exactly the same as when they left. Same cracks in the ceiling, same musty tang to the air, and the ruined temple still held the same inexplicable air of charm. It didn't feel right that everything stayed the same when everything had changed for them.

The last two weeks, at best, had been absolutely horrible.

Link stole kept his chin held up high as he approached the frail woman with his new blade and a new air of confidence. Ghirahim refused to walk with. He remained in the shadows at the entrance to the temple.

"Yes," the hero agreed, "I'm back and here to bring Zelda back home." His voice carried a different tone at the word "home," and he could almost feel the demon lord tense up across the room. It served the bastard right.

The woman reached out a hand, beckoning Link to come closer. The hero stood in front of the woman, but she beckoned further. Eventually, Link realized she wanted to whisper something to him and leaned downwards.

"This isn't the end Link. You probably already know that." It was most certainly true. Wysteria would probably pop up whenever he "saved" Zelda and brought her back to Skyloft, but he tried not to think about that. Besides, there isn't anyway the old woman could have know about said demon. "You and Ghirahim must stick together no matter what trifles you two. It would be in your best interest to learn to trust him for the little time he has left."

A confused expression adorned Link at the woman's ominous words. "For the little time he has left?" He echoed.

"Yes, I'm in no position to intervene with fate or Hylia's way, but I would watch out for him if I were you. He's essential in your aid. However, there's someone who doesn't feel the same way. If you're not careful, the one you trust most will be his demise," she whispered. The frail lady stood up a little taller and walked away from Link. "Now, as I was saying, you two can now go through this Gate of Time and rescue the girl you've been looking for this whole time. I would hurry if I were you."

Ghirahim merely nodded at her words and brushed past Link, heading towards the steps that led to the gate. "Are you coming or not Link? We haven't got all day."

The hero scowled at his companion's rather rude behavior. It seemed he was still upset about everything that happened when they sought out the sacred flames, but it wasn't Link's daily he was so easy to offend.

"Alright demon," he muttered under his breath, too quiet for anyone to hear. "Let's go."

The hero walked up the crumbling steps and raised his sword skywards. It was time to bring Zelda home.


They only needed one more flame. The final one lay somewhere in Eldin, a place they had purposely left for last, neither of them wanting to remember what happened there. They had carefully avoided the still raw subject with apprehensive silence, but as Link lay a hand on the boss doors, he spoke.

"The other day..." His voice broke, and he trailed off. He didn't exactly know how to broach the subject. Besides, it was a stupid thought anyways.

"Use your words Skychild," Ghirahim teased. For once, the velvety voice of his counterpart wasn't soothing at all.

"The other day, you wouldn't touch me. I know this is silly and stupid, but the thought has been nagging me. Why? What's changed? Am I just undesirable to you now that I actually want it?" Link quickly looked away, not wanting to meet the other's hurt gaze.

"Of course not Link," Ghirahim assured, "it's just that I've just made the decision to stay with you instead of my former master. I felt it was sloppy and rushed, as if you were acting in the moment. I didn't want you to wake up the next morning and regret what you did. When you finally give yourself to me, I want it to be special."

Still, Link was frustrated and wanted to push the demon over the edge. "But haven't you ruined that already? Haven't you already taken me by force?" Ghirahim opened his mouth to speak but quickly closed it. "Or maybe you're just scared that it'll happen again. Maybe you're scared that you'll get lost in the heat and want to hurt me. Maybe you're scared that you don't have control at all like you flame to now."

"Shut up," Ghirahim growled. The hero had finally struck a nerve.

"Oh, so that's what it is. You don't have control. So you are afraid that you'll hurt me. You're afraid that you'll leave me crying like before-"

"SHUT UP!" Ghirahim's eyes narrowed as he stepped closer to Link.

"You're afraid that maybe it'll be worse than last time. Maybe instead of leaving me bleeding, you'll leave me dying, that because of you I'll take my last breath," Link paused. "Ultimately, you're afraid of what you could do to me."

Link got what he had been looking for. Ghirahim snapped, and Link just happened to be the closest object at the time. The boy was thrown to the ground and received punch after punch. If he hadn't packed a red potion that day, who knows if he would've made it out there.


"Zelda's been waiting for you. Although, we were both expecting different news," Impa reluctantly admitted. "We thought you might join Ghirahim. It's fortunate that it's the other way around."

"So I can finally take her back home then?" The excitement from Link was palpable, and Impa actually let out a small smile.

"I guess," She gave a pointed look to Ghirahim, "if you're sure it's safe for her to return."

Link looked back at the demon, who still refused to meet his state, and sighed. "Yeah, I'm positive."

"Then I guess you can bring her back to Skyloft. Although, I'm going with her for at least a few months, just as a precaution of course. You can never be too sure about these things."

After complying with Impa's request and trying to speak with Ghirahim, to no fruition, he made his way over to the doors separating him from Zelda. He was ecstatic. Although, he wasn't sure she would feel the same way after finding out about the whole soulmate thing.

Finally, he pushed open the doors.

A/N: The end is near. Only a few more chapters featuring our troubled couple, and then, that's it.

Remember, this is a trilogy. The story will go on, but it might take a while to get the second book up after I finish this one.

Oh, and how would you all feel about a bonus update after the final chapter where you could ask me or any of the characters any questions? Let me know if you like the idea in the comments.

And no, I haven't forgotten about the contest, the results will be up soon. I promise!

Until next time, Keep Calm and Read On!

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