Chapter Ten: The Terrifying Truth

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Ghirahim had left the hero alone for two days, but soon enough his willpower had crumbled away to nothing. After finally reuniting with Link on the third day, the demon declared they may as well travel together. They were, after all, trying to find the same girl.


"I need a break," Ghirahim decided as he fanned himself with a map of the surrounding area. Link scoffed at his villainous companion and kept on walking. "I'm serious Skychild. We've been trekking through this sand for days with no luck."

"If you have such a problem with how I travel, you're welcome to leave at any time," Link snapped. Ghirahim only laughed at that, irritating the hero further.

"We both know you'd miss my company. Don't even try to deny it." Link kicked a pile of sand and tried his best to ignore the smirking demon, but Ghirahim wouldn't have that. "Aw, the silent treatment? That's really no fun at all."

Link kept his gaze straight forward and kept walking forward, ignoring the pouting demon beside him. Ghirahim rested his arm on the shorter male's shoulder, hoping for some type of verbal reaction, but Link just turned away from him. Ghirahim sighed to himself before trying another approach. He tapped the boy's shoulder, and as Link turned around he quickly kissed him. A brief flash of fear entered Link's eyes as he immediately pushed him away and stumbled backwards.

"You can't do that!" The hero tried to steady his breathing as he realized Ghirahim was just trying to annoy him, nothing more. "I thought we had this talk already!"

Ghirahim stood shocked as the other male glared at him. In truth, he did remember the rule Link had set, but he didn't think the boy would actually enforce it. "I thought we were over the whole having to ask permission for a kiss thing, my bad."

"We will never be over that! Why can't you understand that consent is everything?" Ghirahim held his hands up as he watched the whole scene unfold. The demon hadn't mean to upset his companion, but his sadistic side was certainly enjoying the show.

"It was just a harmless joke. I didn't know a quick peck on the lips would upset you so badly," Ghirahim admitted. He took a step closer towards Link, and the hero looked at him warily. "I'd hate to see how shaken you'd be if I did anything else."

Link swallowed hard as Ghirahim let the threat hang in the air. "But," the demon started, running a hand through his hair, "I believe this could all be smoothed over and forgotten over a little break."

Link glared at the villain as the tense air between them disappeared, and his smug, annoying traveling partner was back. "You're unbelievable," the hero complained as he walked up to the demon. Ghirahim took ahold of his hand and pulled him closer.

"I'm glad you agree that a break sounds best," he purred. "Where should we rest today? Skyloft?"

Link shook his head at the absurd request. Ghirahim had wanted to visit his hometown lately, and the hero wasn't sure why, but he certainly wasn't going to let it happen. "You're not going to Skyloft, Ghirahim. Let's just go to our usual."

"Your every wish is my command," the demon smirked.

He raised his hand and snapped his fingers, whisking them away from the unforgiving sun, but not before hearing Link mumble, "If my every wish was your command, then a lot of things would be different."


The duo sat beneath one of the many lush trees in Faron woods. Ghirahim sat cross legged while Link leaned against him, resting his head on the demon's shoulder. It pretty much immobilized one of the demon's arms, but he wasn't about to complain.

"Try this," Link encouraged, fighting his desire to fall asleep against the other male as he peeled a vibrantly colored green fruit. Ghirahim gave him a weird look as the blonde tried to pass him a piece of it. "Just trust me."

"If you insist," the demon sighed as he took the fruit. He gave it one more weird look before popping it into his mouth. The demon lord grimaced at the weird texture, but as he bit into it, he immediately fell in love with the tangy flavor. "What is this?"

"It's called stamina fruit. From what I've seen on the surface, I believe it only grows in Skyloft." Link reluctantly surrendered the rest of the fruit as Ghirahim looked at him with pleading eyes. But with the new found freedom of his hands, Link wrapped his arms around one of Ghirahim's and snuggled closer to his foe.

"All the more reason for you to let me visit that floating island of yours," Ghirahim mumbled around another mouthful of the exotic fruit.

Link shyly looked up at him. "And for the pumpkins, right?" Ghirahim swallowed the lump in his throat as the Hylian looked up at him with half lidded eyes, due to exhaustion.

"Especially for the pumpkins," the demon whispered, leaning closer to Link. "Hey, SkyChild?"

"Hmmm?" The boy's eyelashes fluttered as he waited for Ghirahim's question.

"Is it okay if I kiss you now?" The demon lazily trailed a finger down Link's cheek before his thumb drew across the bottom of the boy's lip.

"Mhm," Link replied before Ghirahim closed the distance between them.

His free hand came to rest on the side of Link's face while the teen pulled on the arm in his grip, trying to bring the other male closer. It was an awkward position that wasn't entirely comfortable for either of them.

"Hold on a moment," Ghirahim instructed against Link's lips as he tugged both of his arms free and pulled the teen onto his lap. "Isn't this better?"

Link nodded his approval before pulling the demon back into the kiss. He tangled his hands in snow white hair, apparently forgetting about his sleepy state, as Ghirahim gripped his hips. An interest was piqued in the demon, and as Link broke the kiss to catch his breath, the demon whispered against the other's neck.

"Don't freak out at what I'm getting ready to propose, okay?" He felt the boy nod as he tested the waters by planting kisses along Link's throat. Satisfied when the other didn't cringe away, Ghirahim looked back up at his companion and rested his forehead against Link's. "I know you don't like doing anything physical, especially after what I've done to you, but how about a compromise?"

Link's mouth fell open as Ghirahim tightened his grip on his hips and pushed the hero down against him in a subtle grind. "No clothes need to come off this way, and I believe it still satisfies both of us."

Link placed his hands on Ghirahim's shoulders and moved himself against the demon lord. He bit his lip as he, quite literally, felt the demon lord's excitement grow. "I can't do this. I'm sorry."

"No need to apologize Skychild. I did this to myself by taking you by force that night," Ghirahim groaned as Link crawled off of him.

"It'd also help if the only reason you wanted to be physical wasn't just because of my body," Link admitted, looking hopefully up at Ghirahim. The demon just turned his gaze elsewhere, and Link was reminded of their complicated partnership once more. Almost hesitantly, the teen laid a hand on Ghirahim's inner thigh. "But I would like to help you. I just hate when I get something from it."

Ghirahim chuckled as Link went bright red, but guided the boy's hand to the bulge in his pants nonetheless. "Do you even know how to give a handjob?"

"My teachers in the academy say that I'm a fast learner." Ghirahim laughed again at that remark, earning a small grin from Link.

Despite the uncaring facade Ghirahim tried his best to put up, as Link took his length into hand, the demon couldn't help but to realize how attached he actually was getting to the boy. And as he taught the hero just where to lightly squeeze, that thought haunted him all the way through his climax.

A/N: I didn't edit this so please tell me where mistakes are. I realized just how crappy my last chapter was, so I tried to hone in my writing skills for this update. Looks like there was a lil character development. How was if?

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