Chapter Seventeen: Stay With Me

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After their meeting, Wysteria disappeared to meet up with Ghirahim (not before getting into a fight with Fi) and the hero solemnly walked through the empty dungeon. Fi was back into her sword spirit form, and Link decided that he liked this form of her better.

"Why did you never tell me?" Link's voice bounced off the ceramic walls, adding a haunting tone to his question.

"Tell you what?" In truth, the hero could have been asking a variety of questions. However, he had a hunch that Fi knew which one he was talking about.

"Ghirahim," he snapped. "Why didn't you tell me Ghirahim was lying to me this whole time? Why did you never mention he doesn't have to fight me?"

His companion stayed silent for a minute. "Frankly, I didn't tell you because it wouldn't have changed anything. Demon Lord Ghirahim believes that he needs to kill you in order to prove Hylia wrong about a bet she made a long time ago," Fi chimed.

"A bet?" Link stopped, looking curiously at his counterpart.

"More precisely, the reason Hylia bound you to Ghirahim. He detests why she did it and is determined to defeat you to prove a point." After a moment she added, "Ghirahim is stupid and doesn't realize that he can still easily prove his point by being with  you and just not returning home."

Link still had numerous questions, but when he head the spirit's voice take on a sad tone, he decided not to press any further. Instead, they walked onwards in an uncomfortable silence until Fi returned into his sword.


Her uniform always left her feeling vulnerable to the lingering eyes in the hallways, especially the ones of her master. The shiny, tight crop top and skirt hugged her body too tightly and prohibited her movement, but orders were orders. And by the time she reached the looming doors of the meeting room, her spirit was already worn down by the numerous catcalls and straying hands within the castle. The tray in her hands was shaking, but she refused to cry anymore. It just made matters worse. Careful not to drop the drinks she was carrying, Hylia forbid she stain one of the grande carpets, she pushed the door open with one hand.

"Wysteria," a gravelly voice greeted her. Immediately, she stiffened but forced herself to keep walking forwards until she reached the table he sat at. "Thank you for bringing us drinks. Have you met my daughter before?"

Her eyes slid over to the spot beside Demise, and she forced a taut smile onto her lips. "I've seen Princess Fi around the castle before, but I've never had the opportunity to enjoy her company before."

The whole act was rehearsed. That same line had been said dozens of times before, but Demise always got too drunk to remember. And just like always, Fi refused to meet her gaze. Coward.

"Would you like me to pour the drinks for you Master?" Demise made a low hum of approval.

Wysteria slowly exhaled, trying to steady her shaking hands. Her fingers daintily picked up the champagne bottle and uncorked it with a 'pop.' Her stomach churned in disgust as Demise's eyes raked over her body when she poured the two glasses.

"Here you go Master." She really hoped the demon king couldn't detect the bitterness in her voice. "And for you Madam."

Her breath caught in her throat as Fi's warm fingers brushed over her own. She was sure the other was having a very similar reaction, despite the fact Fi wouldn't even look at her anymore. It always went like this now, ever since Fi left and she started training.

"Thank you," a small pause, "servant."

She had always believed their backstories would never separate them. She believed they had a love that could never be tainted. She had also believed that Fi would come back for her.

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