Chapter Four: Consent Is Sexy

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Link took off his sweat soaked tunic and drank his last saved bottle of water. He'd have to look for another puddle soon. His journey to find Zelda had led him into the scorching lands of Eldin, and the hero found himself missing the cool forest of Faron.

But at least, Ghirahim hadn't bothered him for the three days he had been in Eldin. In fact, the demon lord had only visited him once more after their first encounter, and Link couldn't say he exactly misses the theatrical sadist. While the boy felt himself longing for the company of his 'acquaintance,' he could get over the fact that Ghirahim was purposely toying with his emotional for "research." He didn't understand what the demon was exactly researching either.


Link looked around before realizing the voice could have only come from his sword.

"Yes Fi?"

"I detect that there is a small water source a quarter of a mile to your left," she chimed.

The boy nodded in thanks before marching towards the designated direction. He may not have had the triforce of wisdom, but he wasn't dumb. Link knew he wouldn't get anywhere if he was dehydrated.


"Fucking lava," Ghirahim muttered under his breath as he continued to splash water on his face.

Demon blood was rather temperamental to heat, and no doubt, that's why Hylia put the second spring in Eldin. No matter, he would still capture that girl. His hands dived back under the shallow puddle of water he was currently residing at to splash more water across his torso.

Ghirahim's ears perked up at the sound of approaching footsteps. He stood up, fully expecting to be greeted by one of his bokoblins with information on the girl, but was met with Link.

The boy's eyes widened slightly at the sight of a dripping wet Ghirahim. His already tight suit was now plastered to his body, and Link could feel a heat creeping up that certainly wasn't from the surrounding lava.

"I-I was planning to drink from that," the hero managed to stutter out after clearing his throat.

Ghirahim brushed a hand back through his dripping hair, not noticing the effect he was having on the boy.

"Were you? My apologies, Sky Child, but I would've expected you to come down here more prepared for the heat," the demon absentmindedly stated.

"Well, I figured I needed to come down here as soon as possible," Link worded carefully, not trying to give anything away.

"Mhm, but shouldn't you at least be wearing chain mail? I wouldn't expect you to dress indecently," the demon observed.

"The heat," the hero simply replied.

Ghirahim just nodded in response, and kneeled back down by the puddle to splash more of the water on himself. He had a few choice words to say to Hylia whenever he saw her again.

Link nervously chewed on his bottom lip as he watched the water trail down the demon's chest. He shifted his weight from foot to foot, wishing he could melt on to the sun scorched ground. Actually, that was quite a realistic possibility if he didn't get more water soon. The hero eyed the puddle, weighing his odds of Ghirahim noticing his current predicament. Finally deciding hydration was more important than his pride, Link joined the demon at the puddle.

He carefully kneeled down at the other end, and quickly got an empty bottle from his pouch. At the sound of the 'pop' from pulling the piece of cork out, the demon looked over at the other as he filled the bottle and resealed it.

"Do you have another one of those I can use?"

The question caught the hero off guard, and he looked up at his foe.

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