Chapter Thirteen: Midnight Promises

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A/N: I can't believe this chapter is finally here; I've looked forward to writing it for so long. Yawll don't understand.

Moonlight washed over his pale skin as a light breeze threatened to blow his hair into his face. Some lights in the quaint village still glowed warmly in the chilly night air. A smile tugged at the corners of the demon's lips. It was just like he remembered. His thoughts were startled as he felt a hand slip into his own, fingers intertwining. The demon raised an eyebrow at the hero who, in return, gave him a sheepish shrug of his shoulders.

"We're going to go to the bizarre first if that's okay with you. It holds a certain air of charm in the night," Link beamed. His golden hair and striking, blue eyes were further illuminated by the moonlight, and Ghirahim felt his mood lift for the first time in forever. It was good to just forget things sometimes, and the night seemed like a different reality for the duo.

The two walked in silence, save for the chirping of a few nocturnal insects, and the demon took in the gleeful sight of Link out of the corner of his eye. The tips of his ears and nose were red from the unforgiving coldness of the night and little puffs of white came from his chapped lips, but still, the boy was positively ecstatic. Ghirahim hummed contentedly, and absentmindedly ran his thumb across the back of Link's hand, in almost a soothing gesture. The tiny act didn't go unnoticed by the hero as his eyes flickered down, but he wisely chose to say nothing.

Soon enough, they made it to the Bazaar. Link let go of Ghirahim's hand to push aside the banner that blocked the entrance to the shop after hours, causing the demon to make a barely audible sound of disapproval. As they walked quietly inside, the temperature increased by a couple of degrees, but Link was still shivering.

"Hey, come over here," the demon advised. Link gave the villain a curious look, but turned to face him nonetheless. Ghirahim unclasped his mantle, taking it off, and pulled it around Link's shoulders. It was almost comical how the cloak was way too big for the boy.

"I couldn't-"

"You're in no position to argue. You're basically freezing to death," Ghirahim chided. He clasped the mantle on snugly, and was about to back away when Link grabbed his arm.

"Yes Skychild?" A look of confusion came over the boy's face, before he let go of the demon, and walked away.

"Nothing, let's go get some potions," Link murmured. Ghirahim furrowed his eyebrows in befuddlement. The hero had looked so cheerful a few moments ago, but now there was no pep in his step.

"Wouldn't that be stealing? There's no one here to pay," the demon puzzled.

"No, I just leave the money in an envelope. Everyone in the Bazaar is used to me stopping by after hours," Link explained.

The demon watched as Link filled one of his empty bottles with a lively green potion, before leaving the money like he had said. Ghirahim treaded behind the hero as they left the Bazaar. The boy looked this way and that to make sure no one was taking a midnight stroll. When he confirmed the coast was clear, he turned back to Ghirahim.

"Where would you like to go now?" As soon as the words fell from Link's mouth, he regretted asking such a stupid question. The demon had never been up here before, they was no way he would know-

"By the waterfall and cave would be okay," Ghirahim answered. Link gave the demon an incredulous look before leading the way. "Not so fast SkyChild," the demon chuckled.

Link slowed his pace, so they were walking side by side. "You know Link, nighttime almost gives everything a surrealism, like a different reality," Ghirahim pauses to make sure the boy was listening to him, "Maybe we should take advantage of this different reality.

Link raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"I was just thinking that maybe tonight we could tell each other things that we'd never even consider telling each other before, but when the sun comes back up, we can both act like it never happened," Ghirahim explained.  The gentle gurgling of the waterfall filled the air, and the demon turned Link around to face him.

Ghirahim took one of the boy's hands into his own, and guided Link's other hand to his shoulder. The demon let his free hand lay on Link's waist. The hero gave him an absurd look at the new position, but didn't pull away. The duo swayed with the breeze, and this was the hero's first time slow dancing with anyone, if this could even be called that.

"So about this new reality... Why? Do you have something you've been dying to get off of your chest," Link joked. Ghirahim laughed lightly with him.

"Actually yeah, if I don't say this sometime soon, your sword spirit may just kill me," the demon mused. Link threw him a questioning glance, but Ghirahim shook his head. "Different story for a different time."

"Okay, well what do you want to tell me?" Ghirahim chewed at his bottom lip nervously.

"Just remember that when the sun rises, both of us are going to act like this night never happened," the demon whispered. Link rolled his eyes and smiled.

"Okay I get it, just tell me!" The demon lord let out a small sigh as his heart pounded anxiously.

"I..," Shit, shit, shit.

"Ghirahim?" The demon looked down at the boy, and felt his inner turmoil rising.

"I love you Link," Ghirahim murmured. What he didn't expect was the look of pure devastation to fall over Link's face or the hard smack that came with it. Ghirahim numbly looked down at the ground, gingerly feeling his stinging cheek.

"You can't do this to me," Link frantically whispered. He pulled at his hair as he backed away from Ghirahim. "You can't tell me that and expect me to act like it never happened in the morning!"


"Why Ghirahim?" Those two words were so filled with despair that the demon winced.

"If we engaged in a romantic relationship now, it'd hinder my progress. I might not be able to kill you in the end," Ghirahim explained, only making Link's state of mind worse.

"Don't you dare act like you'd still be able to kill me!" The boy started to shake as tears finally slid down his face. "If you actually believe you can kill me then let me die now," Link whispered.

The chosen hero opened his arms and fell backwards off of Skyloft.

A/N: Welp, any compliments or complaints can be left in the comment box.

I will be doing the Ghiralink contest because I got three people to sign up. If you haven't already signed up but want to do it, just leave a comment saying so. All the rules will be in the next update.

Keep Calm and Read On

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