Chapter Twenty One: Sequins and Other Embellishments

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A/N: Just wanted to quickly say that the purpose of this chapter is to catch up with where every main character is up to at this point. So, this chapter might seem a little choppy.

The dress was perfect. It hugged her body just right before fanning out right above her knees and draping across the floor. It was nothing too fancy, just a traditional wedding dress. As she looked at herself in the mirror, she felt sick to her stomach.

"Is this the one, Madam?" The voice of the salesperson was meant to be soothing, but it only made her feel worse.

"Yes," she croaked out. "This is the one."

The lady nodded happily before scurrying off and then returning with a veil. Zelda closed her eyes and took deep breaths as the woman situated the piece. As she felt the tulle softly rub against her face, tears escaped from her eyes for the millionth time that week.

"Open," the woman encouraged, so she did.

Her mouth fell open into an 'o,' and she gasped. The outfit was absolutely perfect, but this was oh so wrong. She didn't want to walk down the aisle for Groose. It was never supposed to be him. A small sob sounded from her, and the lady rushed to her side.

"Don't cry, you look absolutely stunning, my dear," she cooed.

She looked back into the mirror, and she stared into her dead eyes. Only one thought crossed her mind in that instant.

The demon must die.


"Where are we going?" Link hissed in frustration as Ghirahim "accidentally" let go of a branch he was holding back and hit Link in the face. The hero angrily swatted the foliage away. "Come on, you can't stay mad at me forever!"

Ghirahim let out a sigh and slowly shook his head. He cast a single glance back at the blundering boy before plowing forwards again.

"Home," he simply replied.

The hero quirked an eyebrow at that. "Home?"

"Did you think I lived on the streets as a child?" When he saw Link open his mouth to answer the question, he quickly snapped, "Never mind, I don't want to know."

"No it's not that," Link began, "I guess I just never would have guessed you love be in Faron."

"Well, I guess I'm just full of surprises," the demon sarcastically replied.

"Look, I'm sorry, okay? It was idiotic of me to push you like that," Link finally admitted.

Ghirahim didn't say anything else, and the hero refused to speak int the demon said something, so the rest of their walk was in awkward silence. Eventually, Link drifted off as he walked, so he didn't notice when his counterpart stopped.

Link nervously smiled down at the rather irritated demon lord. Frantically, the hero scrambled off of him and back up to his feet as Ghirahim got off the ground and brushed the dirt off his pants.

"Walk much?" The demon sarcastically retorted. Link shyly shrugged his shoulders, causing Ghirahim to let out a small groan of agitation.

Again, silence filled the air as they continued the rest of their trek. After about another hour, a small cottage came into view, and Link saw a find smile pull at Ghirahim's lips.

"Welcome to my home, Skychild," Ghirahim softly said. It was probably the first non sarcastic thing he had said to the other all day.

Link merely watched as Ghirahim walked up to the doorway and pulled up a small stone from one of the many that once served as a pathway. Now, weeds had managed to grow between the rocks. The demon dug in the soil for a few seconds before his fingers found purchase on a small, rusted key. The hero found himself smiling as Ghirahim unlocked the door and walked inside.

"Make sure to close the door," the demon shouted back at Link who still stood outside the entrance.

The hero narrowed his eyes and curtly looked behind him as the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end. He felt someone watching him, but as his eyes scanned the lush forest and found nothing, he passed it off as paranoia.


Wysteria blew a pink bubble before popping it with a long, manicured nail, and then continued chewing her gum. She held her breath as the hero looked behind him, but then let out a shaky, relieved sigh as he continued in the house. Almost immediately, she hopped down from her perch in the tree silently and stared longingly at the door as it closed sharply behind Link.

She wanted that sword that was strapped on his back, but she knew it would be useless to steal the blade. It still wouldn't fix anything between them. Fi would still hate her, even though the sword spirit was the one to be blamed.

Her hand sadly drifted to the stone on her necklace. She could even summon the spirit's human form, but still, it wouldn't do her any good.

Her hand gripped the doorknob, but she didn't dare push the door open. What good would it accomplish? Reluctantly, she withdrew her hand and turned away.


The tired man let out a low growl as she came into view. He tried to stand up, or do anything, but the shackles around his wrists and ankles didn't release him from his kneeled position. He let out another warning growl as the blonde stood right before him. Hylia teasingly waved a finger in front of his face, and quickly pulled her hand away as he attempted to bite it.

"Such a naughty boy," the goddess cooed, cupping the man's face in one hand. "No wonder you ended up beneath my feet like this. But don't you worry, my plan is falling into place."

The blonde released her grip on his face and tired to walk away but Demise spoke up. "You do realize it's not all going you way, right? Ghirahim may not be fighting for my cause, but he hasn't exactly returned to you either," he cockily stated. "In fact, when Wysteria finishes this mess, he'll return home. With me."

"You really think he'd leave the hero like that after he chose the boy over you?" Hylia turned around and countered.

Demise smirked. "The boy's mortal. He'll die way before Ghirahim's tone is over."

Hylia's jaw clenched. She obviously hadn't thought over that one little link in get plan, but soon enough her eyes lit up with confidence again.

"Well you see, honey, he will return to me wether he likes it or not. The hero only lives Ghirahim because of the bind that I put on the mortal," the goddess explained.

"I don't see where you're going with this," the fallen King replied.

"Ghirahim knows just as well as I do that if I was to rid the child of that bond, he'd leave him. So, I do believe that our son would do almost anything to keep that bond on the hero," Hylia finished.

Demise's eyes lit in understanding, and a dark chuckle claws its way up his throat. "You're one evil bitch."

A/N: The end is nigh. There'll probably be threeish more chapters?

Also, the winner of the contest I held was Literally_Shut_Up

I didn't really specify and prizes at the time, but I'll think of doing something for you. I'll message ya when I figure out what exactly Im doing.

Keep Calm and Read On!

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