Chapter Fourteen: Goodbye Link

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"Master, there is a fifty percent chance that Lord Ghirahim will not save you," Fi chimed. Link laughed lightly at her analysis as the wind whipped furiously at his clothing.

"That means there's also a fifty percent chance that he will catch me," Link's laughter ceases, and he pressed his lips together firmly. "I have faith in him, Fi"

The sword spirit didn't respond right away. "I understand Master."

Link felt the female's aura leave him and return to his sword. The Hylian closes his eyes as his descent ever the slightly got quicker and closer to the cloud barrier. His eyebrows furrowed together, and he clenched his fists tight.

"Please don't prove me wrong on this one, Ghirahim," he whispered into the night air, his words getting whisked away into the howling wind surrounding him.


The demon lord stood on the edge of Skyloft, barely able to register the fact that Link has just thrown himself off of the island. "The nerve you must have to fall to your death while wearing my mantle," Ghirahim vehemently muttered.

However, in all honesty, the demon was rather conflicted. Here, the hero he had to kill, was willingly falling to his death. It'd be another hindrance out of his way to steal away the spirit maiden. But he also knew, that letting this boy die, as irksome as he was, would be one of the worst mistakes he could ever make.

The demon closed his eyes and evened his breathing, trying to conjure anything but dark magic. It'd been so long since he used magic from his mother's side of the family... Ghirahim shook his head, ridding himself of that thought. He concentrated again until he felt something hot run down his arm and pool into his fingertips. Ghirahim gritted his teeth as he snapped, not anticipating Link to be quite so heavy. It wasn't easy to drag deadweight from one reality to another. Finally, the intensity of the magic let up, and he groggily opened up his eyes to see the hero gracefully stumble back onto Skyloft. The idiot looked up at him with a grin.

"I knew you'd..." The demon tuned out the teen's gleeful monologue as he struggled to keep some warmth circulating through his body. He knew using such pure mashup would take a toll on him, but he hadn't anticipated it to nearly sap him of all his strength and energy.

"Link," the demon slurred. The Skyloftian stopped his speech and looked up at the other male with worry on his face. "Come here."

Link's gaze fell into one of confusion at his foe's demeanor. He made no action to move. "Ghirahim?"

"You idiot," Ghirahim seethed, suddenly grabbing the blonde's arm and yanking him forwards. Blue eyes suddenly widened in fear, and he struggled to push himself away.

Abruptly, Link fell limp in Ghirahim's hold, mouth open in a silent scream. A burning sensation entered his body and seemed to attack every fiber of his being. It was the worst pain the Skyloftian had ever felt. As the seconds ticked by, the extreme heat in his body only grew worse. Thankfully, Ghirahim let go of him, and as he fell out of the demon's grasp the pain subsided to a dull throbbing.

Link gazed back up at the demon in time to see him wipe something off of his mouth with the back of his hand. Immediately, the boy's hand felt his neck until he located two tiny holes, no larger than pinpricks. "Y-you...bit me!" Disgust and rage filled itself onto Link's features.

"It's not my fault that I needed to replenish my energy after having to save you after you fucking jumped off of Skyloft!" Ghirahim growled, an inhumane sound that reverberated from his throat as he got down on the ground, over Link. His hands gripped the ground on either side of the hero's head, and the demon himself was nose to nose with boy. "Do you not understand that magic feasts off of it's host's strength? And what the hell were you thinking when you jumped off of this damned island? Have you gone mental?"

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