Chapter Two: The Demon Lord

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A gust of cold air, thick with the stench of decay, greeted Link as the heavy doors creaked open. Warily, the adventurer stepped inside, and jumped in surprise as the doors shut on their own behind him.

"This is certainly a long way from home for a child like yourself to wander," a voice all but purred.

The hylian whipped around, trying to find the owner of the voice, but was only met with thin air. His sapphire eyes widened in a mixture of surprise and mild fear as he tried to find the other person.

"My apologies Sky Child, I've been rather rude. Let me introduce myself to you," the mystery voice laughed.

Link tensed as he felt someone pressed against his back side. Two arms rested on his shoulders with hands clasped against his chest, almost like an awkward hug. He could only see a glimpse of the intruder out of the corner of his eye.

"I'm the demon lord of this place you call the surface, and my name is Ghirahim," the demon whispered against the teen's ear. "What's your name boy?"

Link kept his mouth shut, not knowing if Ghirahim was a friend or an enemy yet. This didn't settle too well with the demon lord.

"I asked what your name is," the villain hissed, whipping Link around to face him.

And, in that moment, the Skyloftian cringed as a migraine attacked him. He closed his eyes for a moment, waiting for the headache to pass. When he finally blinked his eyes open, Link was confronted with a slightly mad demon.

A slightly mad demon with a sky blue earring.

A slightly mad demon with a golden band around his arm.

A slightly mad demon with violet eyeliner around the bottom of his eye.

"I-Im Link," the green clad explorer managed to choke out.

"Well that took you long enough," Ghirahim muttered under his breath. "You look like you've seen a ghost, Link."

The teen ignored the demon, dumbly staring at his own hands and arms. Emerald sleeves clothed his arms while worn, brown fingerless gloves inhabited his hands. The blonde was pretty sure Ghirahim was still talking to him about one thing or another, but he tuned the other's voice out as he looked up at the demon. Curiously, the boy reached out a hesitant hand and trailed a finger down Ghirahim's cheek. The demon stopped his useless questioning in curious silence.

Link ran his fingers along the other's elongated ear, toying with the sapphire gem before running his fingers down Ghirahim's neck. His fingers flitted across pale shoulders and arms before tracing downwards on the cutouts of the snowy, tight outfit. His hands ran along the beige fabric of a sash, and trailed along the edges of the startling gem. They ran downwards, almost working their way past the material before a gloved hand firmly gripped his wrist.

"As flattered as I am with your adoration of me, you should stop your exploration there," the demon warned.

A scarlet blush graced Link's face as he realized what he almost did. Flustered, the hylian snatched his hand away and backed up a few steps. Ghirahim stared at the boy for a moment before disappearing in a flurry of diamonds. The demon reappeared right in front of Link, grabbing his chin to tilt it upwards.

"Humans are quite interesting. It really is a shame I have to kill you," the demon whispered into that flushed ear.

Link's eyes widened before he ducked away from the rough grasp. His mind wracked for reasons as to why his ability to see color magically clicked on while making sure his foe didn't try to pull anything.

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