Chapter Sixteen: Dirty Liar

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Her breath fogged up the dusty window just before she curtly pulled the yellowing curtains down, blocking them from the outside world. She sighed as she heard her door lock and turned around to face her companion. A frown tugged at the other female's lips. She didn't know whether from stress or worry.

"This is a bad idea." The words came out smooth, rolling like velvet off of blue lips, but it made her cringe. Maybe her whole existence was just a "bad idea." Her pale arms tightly hugged herself, something she could easily pass off because of the cold.

"Everything we've done is a bad idea," she huffed. "So why stop now?"

Sapphire eyes softened and she felt two hands rest upon her shoulders. Molten silver eyes glanced up slowly, afraid of what they might see.

"I'm sorry. I'm just scared." She didn't know what the other had to be afraid of. She was the one taking all of the risks. A servant sleeping with the princess? Punishable by life.

"I'm scared too," she admitted. "But you'll be gone tomorrow, and I'll be thrown back into training." Tears threatened to spill over, but she blinked them away.

"Hush, I'm only doing this until the war between Hylian and Demon is over," she whispered.

Neither of them said anything. If Hylians won, they would be over. She knew, though, that her companion was siding with the Hylians. Fi had decided to stay with Hylia after Demise fell. She would never understand why.

"I'll come back for you," Fi assured. She slowly blinked, pretending to believe the lie.

She also pretended to believe everything they were doing was out of love as Fi gingerly turned her around. She felt warm hands undo the lacing on the back of her shirt, and she didn't even try to catch the material as it fell down to the floor. Her innocence had already been taken long ago.

Now, she felt those warm hands move from her shoulder blades down to the small of her back. Her breath hitched slightly as Fi tugged on the zipper of her skirt. That, too, soon fell away, leaving her bare only in her underwear. She turned back around.

"You're so beautiful Wysteria."

She smiled, and pretended to believe the last lie Fi would ever tell her


Fi angrily big on her tongue, trying to keep quiet as Wysteria draped an arm over the hero's shoulders. At least Link was extremely uncomfortable by her advances.

"Hmm, where do I even start? That mixed blood has been lying to you for so long," Wysteria gleefully pondered.

"Mixed blood?" Link's eyebrows drew together in confusion, but Wysteria just ignored him.

"I guess we'll just start the story from the beginning!" She happily clasped her hands together and pointedly looked at Fi. "This is your sword spirit, Fi."

"I'm not an idiot-" Wysteria held up a single finger to his lips, silencing him.

"Yes, but I'm pretty sure you've never seen her in this form," the sadistic demon added. Fi sarcastically smiled as they both glanced over at her.

"Okay," Wysteria straightened out her metallic skirt,"A long time ago, there were three entities that ruled over all of the land. There was Goddess Hylia, creator of all things good and light, and there was Demon King Demise, creator of all things dark and evil. However, there was a third entity that most people don't hear about. She just went by Vio, and she kept everything well balanced between the Heavens and the Hells."

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