Chapter Twelve: Trust and Other Issues

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"Come on sleepyhead, we need to go back to Lanayru," Ghirahim groaned as he is tried to make the boy wake up. The blonde, however, was not so fast to comply.

"Five more minutes please," Link yawned out, and turned to face away from the demon. Ghirahim pursed his lips at the boy's immature behavior.

"We don't have five minutes to waste, Link." Link continued to ignore him, trying to sleep. "I swear Skychild that if you don't get up right this minute, I will have my way with you right here in Faron."

At that, the hero scrambled up with a bright red face. "Fine, we'll go. I just need to go back up to Skyloft to refill some of my potions," Ghirahim opened his mouth to respond but Link shot
him a glare, "and you're not coming with me. You'll go ahead to Lanayru, and I'll catch up with you after I'm done." The demon's face instantly fell.

"Why can't I come up with you?" Link shot a stern look at the demon before turning to put on the rest of his equipment.

"Because you're still a threat to society as far as I'm concerned," he responded while fixing his fingerless gloves. He brushed by the crestfallen demon, not really waiting for a response to his rude remark. "Why do you want to go there so badly anyways?"

"Tag, you're it!" The little boy gasped, not believing his hiding spot had been found. He watched with wide eyes as the girl sprinted away. He quickly got up to his feet and tried to catch up with her, only to lose sight of her.

His feet carried him through the windy village, trying to find his sister. She had always been a sly one, but the boy was determined to win this time. Finally, he came to the mouth of a cave by a waterfall. "Fi?" He called hesitantly. At the sound of a poorly concealed laugh, he rushed head first into the darkness.

"You still won't be able to catch me doofus," she teased while racing through the inner works of the caverns with her little brother tailing right behind. Finally, the duo burst out into lightness, only to have their momentum throw them over the edge of the island. Two screams pierced through the air as the little girl and boy plummeted downwards, getting closer to the cloud barrier each passing second. Suddenly, two warm arms embraced them.

"How many times have I told you two to be careful around the edge of Skyloft?! I won't always be close by to save you!"

The speed of their fall seemed to decreased as light magic was summoned. Thin, golden strand of magic laced together and intertwined around the children and their mother. Until, finally, it totally encased them. When the boy and girl reopened their eyes, they were standing safely on Skyloft in front of their very disappointed mother.

"I've warned you two about this a million times! What do you have to say for yourselves." The kids hung their head in shame.

"Sorry," they both replied in unison. Hylia sighed and removed her hands from her hips. She looked at her children and slowly shook her head.

"It's fine. Just don't let it happen again, okay?" The siblings nodded their heads in agreement until Ghirahim shot a mischievous glance at his sister.

"Tag, now you're it," he squealed as he ran away with Fi right behind him. Needless to say, there would be many more times where they would accidentally fall over the edge of their hometown.

Ghirahim slowly blinked before replacing his dazed look with a grin. "Where else would I get stamina fruit, my dear boy?"

"I'll just bring you some back," the hero gruffly replied. The demon frowned as Link continued to walk away from him. Desperate times called for desperate measures.

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