October 31 Age: 14

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Dear Richie,

Tonight is Halloween, supposedly the scariest night of the year. Where goblins and gremlins can come out of their hiding places and roam the world in their natural form. Where witches and wizards can concoct their latest evil potion. Where princes and pirates are out and about, taking what rightly belongs to them- the candy.

Despite how childish I see Halloween as, I see you dressed up as Abraham Lincoln- with his dark tux, top hat and everything else.

You were with your younger twin sisters, Malia and Nadia, who were dressed as a fairy and a ninja, along with your younger brother Travis, who chose to dress as Legolas.

I told my mother, for the first time in maybe five years or so, that I wanted to dress up with my younger brother, Liam, and my younger sister, Lucy.

She was seriously astounded by my words.

Turns out there was a Halloween party going on at your place, and costumes were necessary.

My older brother, Lucas, was already going to another party with his friend, but he wandered into our conversation as he came into the kitchen to grab a quick snack.

He raised an eyebrow at me. "I know what this is."

"What?" I tried to play it off, crossing my arms defensively and avoiding eye contact.

"You wanna see Chris," he says flatly, biting into his caramel apple that Mom had just finished making.

"Chris who?" My mother raises a questionable eyebrow, she has obviously never heard of you.

"Chris Richards," Lucas practically shoots me down with his words. Telling Mom about my crush on you would be the worst mistake that anyone could make. "Or, should I say, 'Richie'?" He said in a sing-song manner.

I shove him aside. "No!" I know that I am blushing profusely, unable to control myself.

"C'mon, everyone knows, Leia," Lucas admits, tossing the apple from one hand to another and then taking a bite out of it.

I couldn't hide it any longer. "So what!" I threw my hands up dramatically. "It's not a sin to like someone."

"Awe," my mom enlaced her fingers together by her chin. "My baby's first crush."

"Mom!" I cried, trying to walk away. She continued to tease me the rest of the day, until she dropped me off at your house earlier tonight.

I wore an angel outfit, laced in pure white and fluffy wings. A halo band hung above my head perfectly.

That's when I saw you, attired in a dark tux and a large top hat and fake beard.

I remember how you made my heart stop- even though you looked ridiculous!

It suited you so perfectly. Your height, your build...everything fit your character.

But when I came into the house, following after you brother, I soon realized that you weren't alone.

Valerie Salem- little miss perfect. Literally. The girl with perfect attendance at school. The girl with perfect health and perfect teeth and the perfect smile. The girl with the perfect eyes, the perfect laugh, and the perfect brain. She is not only beautiful, but she is also older. Two years older than me- a little over a year for you. She is tall, but not as tall as you. She is athletic, trying out for basketball and soccer every year of high school so far. She has a humor as great as Robin Williams. There is only one word to describe a girl like her: perfect.

Anyway, I could tell that she was flirting with you. It was kinda obvious. She twirled her hair and giggled at EVERYTHING you said. Even the things that didn't make any sense because of how nervous you were.

(I have realized that when you are nervous that you press the palms of your hands, smoothing them out with your fingers, or you rub them against your thighs.)

I watched on as that stupid witch- literally...since that is what she dressed as- put her arm around yours, territorially.

Oh! This girl was going down!

You didn't even looked like that you enjoyed her company! (Which I was honestly ecstatic about.) Anyway, I came up to you two and I "accidentally" spilt my punch on her costume.

For an angel, I was being so devious. ;)

Now that she was out of the picture, I was able to talk to you without her...annoying-ness bothering us.

Honestly, assuming by the sudden change in demeanor of rapid breathing and shaky palms to a steadier breathing and easiness of your hands, I am pretty sure that you were glad I did that.

We talked all night. Oh! I barely remember half the things we said! I was so lost in you.

I would've held your hand. I would've held it tight and never let go if I had known how fast the night would go.

We played amusing board games and activities. You're parents were fun and silly- you're parents are literally the coolest parents I know.

I even got to know your brother and sisters a bit more.

Malia loves to dance, and her cat Mittens. She loves to do her hair in all sorts of different styles (which I found out before she even told me). Nadia takes karate classes and takes it to heart. She made sure to mention to me every so often that no boy is going to break her heart...because, if they did, she'd break them.

Moving on, your little brother, Travis, is the cutest little boy. He may only be eleven but he knows his Lord of the Rings. He can imitate Gollum perfectly! But you probably already knew that...

I realized how awesome your family was compared to mine. I bet you have your ups and downs, but for the most part...I don't think I'd mind being a part of it.

Much love,

Leia Meadows ❤️

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