March 18 Age: 14

33 3 0

Dear Richie,

I see that Valentine's Day went well for you. And St. Patricks Day. That girl...Veronica (strange how I couldn't ever get it right) is somehow your girlfriend now.

I don't understand it all. She kicked your rear to the curb just a few months ago and now she's...your girlfriend?

Did she finally see what she was missing out on? That you are an awesome guy and will be there for her whenever she needs it?

I just want to know what happened. How it all fell into place. Because it doesn't piece together when she didn't want anything to do with you months ago and now is holding hands with you every time I see you two together.

What am I missing here?

With how you two are a couple now and how I'm not the one holding your hand.

We talk all the time; well, used to, before she butted in. I told you things that could never be repeated and you thoughtfully lent an ear.

Sometimes I go back to just before Valentine's Day, when we were talking in the cafeteria and how down I was that day. But you joined me at the table, Veronica chatting with one of her girlfriends at another table, and asked me what was wrong.

I discarded to you the "Nothing" card. Of course, with my monotone expression, you didn't buy it.

"C'mon, what's wrong? Really?" You gave me one of your kookiest smiles. "I promise not to tell anyone."

Of course I told you. "It's just that... Valentine's Day is in a few days, and I never get asked." I remember staring down at my folded hands and my untouched PB&J sandwich. "I just... I just want to be asked once, just one time."

I continued to stare down at my hands, and then noticed that one large, soft, comforting hand had reached across to hold it.

I stared back up at you, my tears on the horizon.

"Don't you ever sell yourself short, Leia," I remember you said. "Life is full of rain, and sometimes you have to learn to dance in it instead of sheltering yourself from it."

You said something to that effect, but it has always stuck with me.

Too bad your girlfriend had to ruin everything and take you away from me.

My only friend was sick that day. So I sat alone.

We haven't talked that much since. Occasionally through text, since we have the same math class (not because you're stupid or anything... I just accelerated one level).

I screenshot one text and saved it to my phone. It was from a week ago and we were in math together. I remember that we had a sub that day and we had a quiz. It only took about half the period, so most of us played on our phones or doodled and such.

You shot me a text saying, "sooo bored."

I smirked at you from across the room and then replied, "that's because you're a boring person."

I glanced over at you to only see your eyes widen at the text.

"Takes one to know one."


"But seriously tho, this class is wreaking of boredom."

"That's because you forgot to shower. ;p"

"I see how it is, Meadows." 

You then escaped the sub's eye and snook across room and sat in the desk behind me.

We chatted it up awhile and somehow got on the subject of your girlfriend. I think we were talking about the football game and you were taking her or something.

"Yeah, I really want to go to the game, but I don't think Veronica would like to."

"Why not?" Anyone would want to go anywhere with you. At least, I would.

"Well, she's just not into that stuff. She's more into concerts and music, but sports?" You waved a dismissive hand at me and leaned back in your chair. "It's like trying to give a cat a bath."

"Oh well," my heart sank for your sake. "Maybe you could just go with a group of friends? I mean, I would def-"

"That's a great idea," you interrupted me just in the nick of time. "Why don't you, me, and my sisters go? You can even bring your older brother."

I smiled back at you. "That sounds great, Chris."

"How many times to I have to tell you?" You said jokingly. "Call me 'Richie'." You reached out and placed your hand over mine.

The bell rang loudly just as my heart chimed soothingly.

"See ya, Meadows," you waved to me before bolting out of your seat and through the door. I didn't have a chance to say goodbye.

As I made my way across the lawn to my brother's car, my phone vibrated from my back pocket.

"Thanks, Meadows. I can't wait for next week."

Can't wait. Can't wait! My heart could've paraded out of my chest with glee.

I know that it's something simple, but anything about you... It isn't that simple then.

The game is tomorrow and I honestly can't wait another second.

My brother is coming but mostly to hang with his friends. I heard you're bringing extra friends, as well as your younger twin sisters, Malia and Nadia.

I keep running through all of the possible scenarios that could happen tomorrow.

Most of them are good, but not all of them are.

Hopefully, tomorrow ends up great. :)


Leia Meadows

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