April 30 Age: 16

24 1 0

Dear Richie,

I thought the world was going to end as I woke up this morning without the aroma of chocolate chip pancakes.

You see, it is my birthday today and the one thing I look forward to is that I get my chocolate chip pancakes. Whether it be at 7 o'clock in the morning or 10 o'clock at night, I don't care, but I didn't seem to get it this morning, like I usually do.

I thought that my parents were just tired and didn't have the energy to wake up, make me my favorite breakfast, and sing me happy birthday.

In fact, nobody told me happy birthday this morning, but I didn't seem to mind it. Maybe everyone was just preoccupied with their own lives.

So Lucas took me and my little brother Liam to school without a thought in the world about me. We sat in silence for a bit, until one of them brought up a conversation.

(Notice how I said a instead of the).

"Leia?" Lucas asks.

"Yeah?" I perked up a bit.

"Liking Algebra 2 with Mr. Young?" I remember him brining up a few minutes before we pulled into the parking lot of the school.

I sat, completely flustered because he didn't bring up the conversation.

"Oh, yeah, I guess I like the class. He's cool-"

I'll spare you all of the boring details, but my brothers somehow started a conversation about football, since Liam is on the JV team.

Anyway, I was tackled by the usual kicks, shoves, and punches. I thought my life was over.

Well, not until she greeted me.

"Hey, Lee-ah," she said just as she put her foot out to trip me.

I landed face flat, just like the first time she did this to me. Except this time, my forehead took most of the blow.

"Have a nice trip?" She snickered. "See ya next fall."

I held back tears this time. I lifted myself up off the floor and collected my things.

And I just kept on walking.

I heard her voice as I made my way down the hall, as it did carry with the absence of students.

"See how boney she is? It's like she never eats."

"Maybe she's anorexic or something?" One of her friends suggested.

"How does she even do so well on the soccer team? I mean, I just tripped her! And the coach wanted her for varsity? Forget it!"

I ignored her as I made my way to my first period class, Algebra 2.

I then noticed everyone gathered around one desk.

It just so happened to be mine.

And there just so happened to be a flower- an iris- sitting atop my desk with a note hanging from it by a ribbon saying, "To: Leia". Then it read, "Happy Birthday. P.s. there's more where this came from."

The letter didn't say who or where it was from.

I was hoping it was you. My heart thumping, my palms sweating, my mind racing.

Different kinds of flowers were delivered to me each period, either already sitting on my desk or a random student from the office bringing it to me.

But doubt swept over me when in seventh period, a rose came with a note that had my name written so beautifully on the outside.

I opened the envelope to reveal a small one-sided card. It was decorated so beautifully, it couldn't have been a guy who did it, once I took the handwriting into consideration.

What guy would spend hours decorating several different cards just to surprise someone on their birthday?

Well, I opened the envelope and this one said:

"Roses are red
Violets are blue.
I'd really like to go
On a date with you."

And I guess you could tell I was not only screaming internally.

Sure it was epically cheesy.

But it was also sweet.

At the bottom of the card it read in parentheses:

"Meet me in Mrs.Winchester's room after school."

Then it had an adorable smiley face next to it.

Unfortunately, everybody in my last period class were either jealous of me or really hated my guts.

Or most likely both.

Anyway, I just so happened to have Melanie in that class with me.

With a smile so vibrant across my face, Melanie made it disappear in the space of a second when she slapped her hand on my desk.

"What is this, Lee-ah?" She swiped the card from my hands. "A love note. Awe, how sweet." She fained sympathy.

"Please, give it back. It's mine," I pleaded. I tried to take it back, but her reflexes are like a cheetah.

"Nah uh uh," she shook her head and a finger at me in disapproval. "Not just yet."

"Melanie, please-"

"Shut it," she cut me off.

So much for a good birthday.

She read my note to herself. "Awe, isn't that sweet? A boy actually likes you, Lee-ah." Melanie smirked at me. "He must be so blind. And deaf. And dumb."

I held back tears as she continued to humiliate me in front of my classmates, who watched on eagerly. Our teacher, Mr. Dusky hadn't shown up yet for some reason.

"Why else would he like you?" Melanie paced around me with the card, holding it up just high enough for me to not be able to reach. "I mean, it's not like you're pretty, smart, funny-"

I had enough.

So I stepped down hard on her foot, causing her to bend down so that I could finally swipe my note back.

With tears stinging my eyes, I said, "I don't care about what you think of me," And I lifted my note to her, "because someone out there cares about me."

I walked back over to my seat and held that particular note close to me the rest of the period. Yes, it was a bit crumbled, but it still held meaning to it.

Uhg. I'm sorry. I'll talk more about it later. I'm just so tired, I can barely keep my eyes open.

I promise that I'll tell you tomorrow.

Leia Meadows ❤

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