One Last Chance

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Five Months Later

Leia smiles at the familiar street, the Thanksgiving lights dancing on most of the neighbors properties. Winter has already made itself known through gusts of cold wind and the droplets of snow. 

It is late into the night already, and Leia can't wait to get home to her old bed and just sleep.

"What happened to my bed?" 

"Well, you left and it became mine."

"No, Lily, what happened to my bed?"

"Oh, so I was playing with glitter and it kinda... got everywhere."

Leia pinches the bridge of her nose. "I should've known this would happen."

"I'm sorry, I am going to clean it up."

Leia doesn't allow Lily to embrace her and walks out of the room.

She takes a seat on the couch in the living room, where all of their suitcases from the car have all taken their place. 

"At least I still have the entire night ahead of me." She hoped. "Maybe I might see him."


Chris hears his alarm go off for the day.

"Oh, man, why did I set my alarm?" He monologues as he turns off the blaring noise from his phone. On the screen, he had put a note: Leia's Home.

"Oh my gosh! Leia's home!" He jumps out of bed in full disarray. "I've got to get ready!"

After he has freshened himself up with a shower and dressed into nice apparel, Chris makes his way to the kitchen where his father and brother, Travis, are making pancakes.

"You clean up well, Sport," his dad calls out to him. "You never clean up nice unless you have the potential to gain something from it."

"It's... nothing, Dad, okay? Maybe I wanted to look nice because it's Thanksgiving," Chris suggests.

"Unless your mother asked you to put on that hideous plaid shirt and to comb your hair back, I cannot believe for a second that you chose to do this all on your own." His dad raises a skeptical eyebrow, a smile turning up across his lip.

Chris rubs the back of his neck. "Well, not... always. I mean, there are plenty-"

"He's just trying to impress Leia," Malia says, bounding down the steps adorning an old t-shirt and a pair of sweats into the front room/ kitchen area.

"Leia?" His dad inquires.

Chris sighs, "Thanks, Mal."

"Anytime," she beams.

"Is that the Meadows girl? The one you said you wanted to kiss at the graduation?"

"And when they were star gazing in the backyard," Malia adds.

"And when we had our last movie night here," Nadia says, making her way into the conversation as well as the room.

"Don't forget when they first met," Travis chimed in.

"Okay, okay, I think Dad gets it, don't you?" Chris says, pinching the bridge of his nose.

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