November 24 Age: 15

30 4 4

Dear Richie,

It's Thanksgiving today and I just want to make a list of things I'm thankful for.

1) My little sister (even though she can be a real pain at times).

2) Chocolate Pie  (for... obvious reasons).

3) Disney Movies. Without them, I wouldn't have any cheesy or witty lines to reply to people with.

4) I would have to put my brothers on this list eventually, so... here they are. Number four on my list.

5) I also can't forget about my parents. Without them, obviously, I would not be here. Not only that, but I do appreciate how they provide for me and care for me. Even though we get into tons of fights and everything, I know they simply want the best for me. I do really love them, like a daughter should love her parents.

6) trees. I'm sorry, but I love trees. They are pretty and nice. They give you shelter and shade. (It would also make a wonderful place to have your first kiss... *hint, hint*)

7) Soccer. I have to put that up here because, to a certain extent, soccer is life. My life, anyway. It is a part of me- quite vital, if you ask me. If someone were to take soccer away from me, it'd be like taking away my oxygen or ripping my heart from my chest.

8) Blankets. I love cuddling in blankets and snuggling up. Especially when it has just been washed. Ahh, the sweet scent of detergent and the refreshing warmth filling your very soul is just... ahhhhhh.

9) music. If it weren't for music, I wouldn't know what else to do with my feet, or hands, or myself in general. It lifts me up like nothing else is able to. It is a vent, a forward expression of every emotion. Nothing is complicated. All you have to do is listen. You don't have to dance. You don't have to sing. You can just listen. There are no rules. The foundation of imagination.

10) hmm... what else am I grateful for? My final, but absolutely not least, I would have to say is...friendship. No matter who it's with. Whether it is with my brother or sister, my grandparents or my aunts and uncles, my cousins or my parents, or even just plain friends, I appreciate it all. Nothing feels more satisfying than someone treating you with respect, someone who shows you care and love and appreciation in return. Even those strangers on the side of the street or you pass by in the store that grant you a simple smile, they are lights of the world. They have no idea how much of a difference they are making with such a simple gesture of kindness.

Haha, here I go, ranting on and on about silly things that probably don't matter to other people.

Anyway, this is my list of my top ten things I am grateful for. (Don't worry, you fall under the last category).

I did want to thank you again for being my friend. Even though the whole school treats me like an outcast, you make me feel like a somebody. Somebody that matters, that is full of divine light, value, and potential.

Just like this last Halloween, when everyone was teasing me about still wearing "silly little kid costumes" to school, you stood up for me. Sure, you weren't wearing a costume this year, but you quickly improvised.

You ran home during nutrition break (which I'm surprised you were able to get off campus for such a lame excuse) and came back wearing a dark cape and fangs, with your blond hair slicked back.

Honestly, even though I'm not a huge fan of the whole "vampire boyfriend" ordeal, I just have to say... you freaking pulled it off.

Haha, anyway, as I was saying...

Oh, yeah, you came back from nutrition dressed up as a vampire just to make me feel better. I came dressed as Tinkerbell  (a more modest version), and I would've liked it more if you came as a lost boy or even Peter Pan...

But, I don't live in a fairytale. Like that's ever going to happen to me.

Anyway (sorry, I just keep going off on tangents today), you dressed up as dracula just for me...I think. I'd like to think so. People were teasing me, but you could've forgotten your costume at home or something...

But, I have to say, that was pretty sweet.

Thank you again, Richie. You have me officially falling head over heals- well, more like sneakers- in love with you all over again. Just like last year.

Leia Meadows ❤ 

♡◇♡Author's Note♡◇♡

Hey wattpaders! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I kinda wanted you all to get a little more insight on Leia, so I thought, 'hey, what about a list of things she's grateful for?'

And thus, this part was born.

Anywho, I wanted to get your opinions. Do you agree with Leia? Are these reasonable things to be thankful for? I also wanted to know another thing: what are/ is something (s) that you are grateful for? With it being so close to thanksgiving, I am kinda intrigued by what others have to say. Sometimes we all just get caught up in the trail of life that we forget to smell the flowers or enjoy the view.

So, please, tell me your thoughts. And don't forget to vote! Thanks for your support.


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