November 26 Age: 14

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It's Thanksgiving Break. Yay! I wanted to say that, despite how much we don't know about each other, that I am very grateful to have you in my life.

You are so a sweet and kind and caring. You soften my heart every time I see you smile.

I decided to finally tell my friend about you, about a week ago before break. You probably don't know her, but her name is Melanie. Her and I haven't been friends long. I met her this year in my home room. She was the first person who greeted me.

She is quite beautiful, once someone is able to see past her braces, giant glasses, and awkward attire. She is generous and sincere and loves to read about vampires and werewolves (which I will never understand why).

Anyway, she caught me staring- okay, not quite staring per say. More like glancing for a long period of time- at you as we were talking in the hallway. We were by her locker so that she could grab her books for her next class and I happened to catch you walking by with some of your friends.

You didn't seem too happy. Your head was down, staring carelessly toward the ground. One of your friends was laughing and slapped you on the back, then you glanced up at him and smiled.

I could tell that smile was fake.

Anyway, Melanie was talking to me about our upcoming project in Earth Science when she realized that I wasn't listening and began to snap her fingers in front of my face.

"Earth to Leia!"

"Sorry," I blushed. "I was just..." I glanced back at you one last time before you disappeared behind a door with your friends. "...distracted."

I turn back toward Melanie, only to discover that she is trying to stifle a laugh.

"You like Chris Richards!" She shouted, slapping her knee as she laughs with loud snorts, causing everyone in the hallway to stare at us.

"Shhhhh!" I tried to calm her down. "Yes," I whispered once she had fully regained sanity. "So what?"

"I just never thought you were, ya know," she glanced down at her cheap tennis shoes, "the geeky type."

"Geeky?" I repeated, then blew out of my mouth. "Chris isn't a geek."

"He is," Melanie admitted. "He's in the Drama Club and he loves video games and only talks about Lord of the Rings."

"Ha, you don't know that."

"Have you even talked to the guy? He's a total nerd."

"Well, I've talked to him," I meet Melanie's eyes, which bore back with much intensity, "...once."

She rolled her eyes. "For goodness sakes, Leia, this is not a Disney movie."

"So?" I squeaked. "Doesn't mean that I can't get to know him better."

Melanie laughed at me. Laughed. Like I was the delusional one.

"Leia, tell me how that works out for you," she said, walking away to her next class.

What I'm trying to say Richie is that I don't care what everybody says. You are kind- I've seen you at P.E. helping students up when they've fallen. You are compassionate- when someone seems to be left out, you include them. You are truly hilarious- by what I've noticed of how your friends react to your jokes.

And I realized why you seemed upset from that day. Rumors spread around like wildfire and this one was definitely dramatic.

Apparently, you had a crush on another girl. Her name was either Jaclyn or Jaquel or something like that. Anyway, she didn't feel the same way. You asked her out in one of the most romantic ways possible.

A simple note on her home room desk. Along with a single rose. I don't know what the note said, but it was probably about how you felt about her.

She gave no reaction. She said nothing. When you walked up to her, apparently she simply returned the rose and the note.

No words. Nothing.

That's why you were devastated. I would've been.

I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you. I wish I could have. But I don't think that you'd let me inside.

You probably barely know who I am. Only my name. What I look like. What I've told you. Nothing more.

But I'd like to get to know you, Richie. You seem like you need someone. I could be that someone, but only of you want.

I hope you feel better after break. I will ask you about your time when I see you in P.E. I want to be your friend, at least.

And if this girl is so important to you, I will break her face for you. :) Not really, but you know.

I feel sympathy toward you. I would hate to be in those shoes, full of heavy regret and awful heartache. But, I can tell you that I can help ease the burden.

If only you'd let me.


Leia Meadows ❤️

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