You Are a Princess

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Leia walked down the hallway to her locker, this time her hands were a bit more free considering it was now lunch and she only had two classes left.

Other students passed by her, attempting to kick her off her feet. Some missed as she would hop over their feet, while others succeeded, but she would regain her balance.

When she finally made it to her locker, she dropped her binder and math textbook on the floor before her. She fumbled with the dial and opened her locker, quickly picking up and dropping her book and binder inside. She then reached for the note on her back that read "kick me" in bold red letters. Leia had never felt the one who placed it there, but supposed it was there when she noticed everyone kicking her.

She sighed as she failed to reach the stupid note taped to the back of her red flannel shirt. Hoping that eventually people would ignore the note, Leia continued to pull stuff from her locker, namely her sack lunch, her biology book, and her biology/spanish binder.

Just as she was about to stand up, carrying her binder, book, and having stuffed her sack lunch into her backpack, Leia had thought it would a peaceful, although lonely, walk back to the cafeteria.

Boy, was she wrong.

A kid came up behind her and tripped her, having heard about the note on her back.

Leia fell face flat, her book and binder slipping from her grip. She wouldn't have minded if she had caught herself like the other times, but no. This time her chin hit the floor; she could feel a bruise forming. The impact made her jaw pop, and she was frightened for a moment that her chin had cracked.

The kid who tripped her laughed wholeheartedly along with her friends.

If you couldn't have guessed it, it was none other than Melanie. She stood alongside more of the popular kids, including Malia and Nadia, Richie's younger sisters. Olivia and Greta were the ones who laughed though, unlike the twins who just stood there with astonished expressions.

Leia couldn't help it. The impact hurt- like, really hurt. Tears poured down her cheeks as she lifted herself to her knees. She attempted to touch her chin, to see if it was broken, but it was too tender.

"What's wrong, Lee-ah?" Olivia asked, tossing her blond hair over her shoulder. "Can't handle a joke?"

Leia sniffles in response, reaching for her binder. Greta quickly rushes up and kicks it just as Leia's fingers grace the tip of her binder.

"Fetch, little doggie," Greta laughs. "Go on, get it."

Leia didn't have the dignity to stand; instead she crawled on all fours. Every time she reached for it, another person would kick it from her and laugh.

Until she came to the end of the hallway.

"Guys, that's enough."

Everyone stared back at the voice.

It was Malia.

"Yeah, this is getting rediculous," her twin sister agreed.

Everyone that was lingering the halls, watching the spectacle, suddenly decided to stare at them...not disappointedly, but close to it.

Melanie just blew through her mouth. "Wow, nice to know that we can't have fun around you two."

Greta steps in front of her, chin held high, unlike Leia at the moment. "Let's go, girls. We don't wanna hang around these lame party poopers anyway."

Olivia simply nodded, and tagged along as the three of them made their way down the hall and into the cafeteria.

Malia and Nadia glanced over at Leia, who was now standing, holding her book and binder in her arms.

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