chapter 1

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A/N: Hi! first chap!

btw.. "Alvin & the chipmunks" is deleted bc i felt no one enjoyed it..i got no inspiration but don't worry i got this story, the stylik story, years later , the one shots and demi & simon to write

demi & simon will be on hold tho sorry

Paul's POV:

  "Come on guys! Up up up!" I shouted while opening the boys doors. I'm the "babysitter" of one direction. I'm really their bodyguard but everyone prefers to me as their "babysitter." 

"Paulll, i'm tireddd." Liam whined closing his eyes. 

"I don't care Liam. Get up!" I said sternly. Liam whined some more but eventually got up. The other lads would be a bigger problem.

"HARRY, NIALL, LOUIS, ZAYN! UP UP UP!" I shouted loudly. The 4 opened their eyes and groaned.

"Paul, it's 7am!" Louis whined.

"You guys have an interview today." I reminded him. Louis nodded and got dressed. The other 3 eventually woke up and got dressed.

I put some breakfast out and when they all came down, i had them eat something.

"I'M READYYY!" Niall screamed. He's all hyper because I gave him candy. 

We got to the set where they're doing their interview and there were screaming fans everywhere.

"Hi guys!!" Liam sang while waving. Fans were chasing the boys and I pushed the boys forward so they would get inside faster. 

"I LOVE YOUUUU!" Fans screamed reaching their hands out. I saw Liam put his hand out but I slapped it away only because they were starting in 5 minutes.

"What'd you do that for?" Liam whispered. I gave the look, "i'll tell you later." and he nodded. 

After the interview..

"Seriously Paul, why the heck did you slap my hand away!?" Liam shouted just as we were getting outside to the car. 

I turned my face to him,

"I only did it because you guys were starting soon and I didn't want you to be pulled into the crowd." I said calmly.

"So what!" Liam yelled slamming the door in my face. Time to lay down the law. 

"Look Liam, I didn't mean to slap it and i'm sorry." I apologized. I paused for a second to see if Liam was listening but he was listening to music instead.

I snatched his headphones out of his ears and took his phone placing it in my pocket. Liam opened his mouth to speak but I held my hand.

"Second, that was insanely rude of what you just you're grounded for 4 days." I continued.

"Grounded? You mean n-no phone and no laptop?" Liam asked. 

I nodded. "Liam, I wasn't going to do this but after you slammed it in my face, i'm laying down the law. From now on if you or the other 4 boys cause any trouble and I mean any like misbehaving or fighting, you will be grounded for now unless it needs more discipline." I explained. Liam just slowly nodded. 

"Is that true?" I heard Zayn's voice from behind the door. I opened it to see 4 boys earsdropping on my conversation with Liam.

"Yes Zayn it is all true. If you misbehave, there will be consequences. For now, it'll be grounding or bedtime earlier. got it?" I asked the 5 lads. They all nodded and we decided to get McDonalds for dinner.

"Paul, i'm sorry about earlier." Liam quietly said while I was getting ready for bed.

"It's ok bud. Don't let it happen again though  ok?" I ask and Liam nods. I give him a quick hug before sending him to bed.

I hope I don't have to ground any of the other lads. We can only hope...


First chap! SO SO SO sorry it's late!

I had school this week & no time!

soooo, is it good so far? next chap they're going to go can u guys comment some ideas where they can go?

park, beach, pool, etc 

just because i know where i'm going with it..i just want an idea of where it should be

SO if u liked, yay!

if u didn't it's ok! tell me some things you'd like to be changed! i'm all in for ideas!

love you guys!





Paul The Babysitter- A One direction story (spanking involved)Where stories live. Discover now