chapter 3

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A/N: lots of you requested louis getting spanked first so i'll do that!

he'll get it for doing pranks i saw someone request it :)


 idk, i feel like updating so hope u enjoy. 

btw, i need boy advice:/ so please comment some advice after i'm done? it'll really help 


Louis' POV:

  "C'mon, why won't you do it?" I whined to Niall who was shaking his head when I asked him if he'd pull a prank on Paul.

"Because I don't want to get in trouble!" Niall pleaded.

"We won't though!" I begged. Niall shook his head no and I was off on my own. 

Fine, I'll do it by myself. I grabbed a jar of honey and went into Paul's room who was still sound asleep. I smeared it all over his face and quietly went out of the room.

2 hours later..

I heard Paul screaming and calling all 5 of us to get upstairs now.

"Yes Paul?" I asked innocently trying not to smirk.

"WHO PUT THE HONEY ON MY FACE!?" Paul screamed eyeing all 5 of us. Niall looked at me but I stayed silent.

"Fine, if nobody tells me, then your bedtime tonight for all 5 of you can be 8:00 pm." Paul threatened. 

I smirked a little but wiped it off when Paul started glaring at me. 

I walked away and set up my next plan.

I put glue in Paul's shampoo so when he'd get out it would be all sticky.

"Boys, I'm taking a shower. Be out in 10 minutes. We're going out soon to meet a couple fans k?" Paul said before stepping into the bathroom and locking it.

I burst out laughing after he closed it.

"Louisss, why didn't you tell him!?" Niall whined angrily.

"Yeah, now we have to go to bed at 8:00 pm! Thanks a lot!" Liam and Zayn said angrily. I shrugged my shoulders, I didn't care.

"BOYS, UPSTAIRS NOW!" Paul yelled. We raced upstairs to see Paul's hands stuck on his hair.

I couldn't control myself at all and burst out laughing. I fell to the ground dying of laughter.

"WAS THIS YOU!?" Paul yelled. I shook my head.

Paul's POV:

  "WAS THIS YOU!?"I asked the uncontrollably laughing boy. He quickly shook his head and stood up.

"Louis Tomlinson, was it you or not?!" I asked closely to Louis.

"No Paul! I didn't!" Louis insisted.

"Did Louis do it?" I asked the 4 other lads. 

"Well.." Harry started.

I saw Louis glare at them and Harry quickly shut up.

"You know what Louis, come with me." I said finally freeing myself from the glue.  I pulled him into his room closing the door behind me.

"I'm going to ask you one last time Louis. Was it you yes or no?" I asked praying he'd just tell me the truth.

Louis was quiet for a moment.

"I didn't do it." Louis quietly said.

"Look me in the eye and say you didn't do it." I said to the oldest lad. Louis looked straight into my eye and started laughing.

"Ok, I did it." Louis finally confessed after 20 minutes.

"Well, i'm sorry but i'm not letting that go unpunished. So, you smeared honey all over my face & got glue stuck in my shampoo AND you lied." I scolded Louis who was now looking down.

"Am I grounded?" Louis whimpered as I nodded.

"2 weeks and I have something else too." I said patting my knee. I motioned for Louis to lay over my knee.

"This is for pulling pranks and lying to me!" I said smacking Louis' covered bum.

"NOO!" Louis cried reaching back to protect his bum that was about to get fired up. I took his arm and pinned it to the small of his back and continued landing hard smacks on his bum creating a pattern. 

I landed probably from 30-40 on his trousers so I unbuttoned them under neith and pulled them down to reveal his carrot boxers. I pulled down his boxers along too just so he can get the message.

"NO MORE PLEASE!" Louis sobbed. 

"20 more ok?" I said calmly. I patted his pink bum and rained down 10 smacks at once. I rubbed his more red bum and then finished off with 10 more.

"I-I'M S-SORRY!" Louis cried. I rubbed his back pulling up his boxers and sitting him on my lap. He kicked off his pants and hissed as the fabric hit his bottom.

"It's ok love. All done!" I said mumbling sweet words to him.

"S-sorry!" Louis cried.

"Calm your breathing love. Love you boobear!" I kissed his head and handed him a pair of sweats. Once he stopped. we went out and greeted some fans and then went out to eat to see even more fans!

"Boys, I guarentee if you give me attitude, disobey me, anything I will pull you straight over my knee so please behave." I said giving the boys a pleading look. The five boys nodded. Louis looked down embarrassed.

"HAHA YOU GOT SPANKED!" Liam laughed. I smacked his bottom and gave him a warning look.

"Don't even start Liam." I threatened.

I know, it's been like forever. sorry. ok? blame school. i get so much homework, tests & quizzes

 it's stressing me out bc i failed a test & i made my parents dissappointed in me. i'm literally too stupid for anything.

no boys will ever like me

i liked this boy for 4 YEARS since i was in 7th grade. i'm in 10th now and he told me who he likes and it's not me :( i felt really sad & i was crying:/  i'm heartbroken honestly.

how do i get over this? please please please give me advice 



comment, vote & fan

love you<3

might update camp 1D or stylik family tom. so stay tuned.


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