chapter 15

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thank you to everyone who heped me get through the hate. hopefully, she'll just stop


So, tour has started and One Direction has been having the time of their life!

Unfortunetly, it's a lot of stress for the boys. So many rumors have gone out about the boys that weren't true.

Louis smoking? No, Louis doesn't smoke.

There was a rumor about Liam cheating on Sophia.

Zayn cheating on Perrie? Why in the world would someone do that?

Zayn was pretty upset but got over it. 

Louis though was different. He was angry that anybody would think that. Fans were angry about that he "started" smoking.

Liam was the same as Louis but got over it quickly. Unfortently, no one knew he was actually over it.

They just thought  Louis and Zayn were.

One day, Louis was in the tour bus chilling looking at more and more comments about this rumor.

"UGH!" Louis was so frusterated and threw the lamp across the room making a SMASH to the brand new tv.

Liam quickly runs in to see what happened and Louis gives him the remote and runs out.

"What the-?" Liam was confused.

Paul came running in and was fuming.


"No, I didn't! Paul-" Liam was cut off.

"I know you were still angry about that rumor but you have to get over it like Zayn and Louis did!" Paul scolded angrily.

"I am over that!" Liam cried. 

"Then explain the broken tv mister!" Paul boomed angrily.

"It was Louis!" Liam cried while pointing to Louis who was standing near Paul.

"I didn't do it!" Louis lied.


"Paul, he's blaming me!" Louis was getting all teared up and hugging Paul.

 "Shh, i'll deal with him." Paul shooed Louis away and turned to Liam who was still in shock.

"Dont' give me that crap young man. March yourself to a corner now." Paul ordered.

"Paul! I didn't do anything though!" Liam defended himself once more but nothing.

"NOW!" Paul screamed.

Liam scrambled off to a corner angry with Louis that he'd do this.

"Stay there while I can try to cool down." Paul said sternly.

Liam whimpered and stuck his nose in the corner.

"Fuck i'm going to be sore for tonight.

One Direction had a concert starting in exactly 1 hour!


Paul soon came back with a wooden spoon and a hairbrush.

"You sir will be paying for that TV. Understand me?" Paul asked.

Paul The Babysitter- A One direction story (spanking involved)Where stories live. Discover now