chapter 18

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Quick A/N: I just wanted to say thank you thank thank you for all these comments and ideas on this story! This story-I had no idea how much you guys would love it! It's CRAZY. Thank you guys once again! - I'M NOT FINISHING BTW. (this story will go on as long as I got your support and ideas) So anyway, I met this famous youtuber yesterday, Bethany Mota. I waited 8 hours for her and it was absolutely amazing! Anywayyyy, here's a chap. enjoy!

Niall was in a type of mood today and no one really knew why. Usually, he would be all happy for an interview but today he just rolled his eyes. He started to backtalk Paul as well and Paul didn't like that one bit. "Niall, knock off that attitude now." Paul warned as he gave a look to Niall. "Whatever." Niall mumbled. "I mean it Niall. Knock it off or you won't like what I'll do." Paul warned once more. Niall chuckled. "Yeah, you'll spank me ok." Niall said sarcastically. Paul just shook his head and hoped his attitude would change. The boys had an interview today and Niall didn't want to get ready. He wanted to just stay in his room. "Noooo!" Niall whined. "C'mon Nialler, the fans will be disappointed if they only see 4 of us." Louis said trying to encourage the lad to get up. "I'm too tired." Niall muttered under his pillow. "NOW Niall! I've just about had it with you!" Paul yelled as he came into Niall's bunk and slapped his bottom.

"OW! OK! Gosh!" Niall shouted and threw his hands in the air as he got ready. When Niall was finally done, all of them rushed to Paul's car but Paul kept Niall back. "Niall, I'm warning you. If you don't knock off this bad attitude, it'll be worse than me spanking you." Paul said. Niall's eyes widened. He didn't really know what that meant but he just shrugged his shoulders. Niall went to the car but winced as his bottom started becoming really painful. Paul was just slapping his bottom as he was going into the car. Paul gave him a warning look once more and got into the drivers seat driving to the interview.

One Direction had finally reached the interview and over 500 girls were waiting outside the studio because they didn't have any more seats. Of course, the boys felt bad so they decided to get as much pictures as possible before heading in. Every girl was so happy but when one girl grabbed Niall by his arm a little too hard, Niall got angry. "HEY!" Niall yelled. The young girl got frightened and tears started falling. "I'm so sorry Niall! I didn't mean that!" The girl cried. "Yeah, well shut up!" Niall screamed. Paul heard and rushed over to the girl telling her, Niall was just in a bad mood and he apologized as he dragged an angry Niall by his ear. "Ow Paul! Stop!" Niall cried. The pain on his ear was hurting. Paul dragged him into a corner and whispered, "I'm so done with you. When this interview goes on break, you're getting spanked. You got it?" Paul whispered harshly. "Yes sir." Niall whimpered as Paul let go of his ear and directed him to the room where the other lads were.

What Niall didn't know was his older brother Greg wanted to be there for the interview and Greg was there the whole time, he was rude to that little girl. Greg would have a serious talk after and shock him about how he saw everything.

Niall went and sat down just as the interviewer introduced them. He faked a smile to the interviewer, and the fans. Unfortuntely, the fans noticed and started staring and whispering about him. Niall noticed that and flashed them with his middle finger. Fans gasped and Louis took note of that. "Stop it Niall. now." Louis warned.  Niall rolled his eyes and shrugged. The interviewer started asking them questions and Niall wasn't really paying attention. He was more focused on his phone. "Ha, I see you're obsessed with that phone." The interviewer chuckled as she eyed Niall. "Yeah, well. Who cares." Niall spat back. The interviewer was shocked by Niall's attitude. "Niall, apologize." Zayn hissed in Niall's ear. Niall shook his head and flashed his middle finger once again but now at his bandmates, the interviewer & the fans. Some fans started getting upset and tearing up. They didn't know why their idol was acting like this. "NIALL!" Paul yelled from backstage. Paul eyed Louis and mouthed, "Get Niall." Louis nodded and grabbed Niall's arm and told everyone he'd be right back. "LET ME GO YOU DICK!" Niall screamed.

Paul The Babysitter- A One direction story (spanking involved)Where stories live. Discover now