chapter 5

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Dedicated to @ZAYNSKINKY!

Updating tonight with this story & tomorrow *hopefully* and friday! 3 day weekend so i'll make sure to update LOTS!


    "PAULLLL, ARE WE GOING TO THE PARK?!" Niall shouted like a 5 year old.

"Niall, lower your voice. The others are still sleeping. Yes, we're going but later ok?" Paul mumbled back trying to fall back asleep.

"I wanna go noww!"  Niall whined pushing Paul off the bed.

"NIALL!" Paul whisperly yelled while getting off the floor. I whimpered taking a step back and went back to my bunk.

*At the park..*

"PLEASE be on your best behavior today!" Paul announced. The five boys nodded and went their seperate ways.

"MOVE!" Harry yelled pushing me off the ladder.

"NO HARRY!" Niall yelled pushing Harry to the ground.

 Niall and Harry started wrestling and getting all scratched up because of how bad we were hurting each other.


"Zayn, let's go to the swings!" Liam shouted grabbing Zayn's hand. 

 "Kay!" Zayn squealed running over to the swings.

"Ugh, it's all taken!" Liam whines.

"Move!" Zayn yells pushing a little girl off the swing.

"Ow!" The little girl about 5 starts crying and runs off.

"Yay, a swing for me!" Zayn says happily jumping on. Liam basically did the same pushing off a little girl and jumping on the swing.

"Girls, are you ok?" Paul asked the 2 crying little girls.

"N-No. L-Liam and Z-Zayn pushed us." The little girls babbled out.

"LIAM AND ZAYN GET OVER HERE!" Paul shouted making Liam and Zayn run over.

"Why'd you push these two little girls off of the swing!? They got hurt!" Paul hissed.

"We wanted the swings!" The two boys whined.

"I don't care if you wanted the swings. They were there first! You two can apologize and then sit out for 20 minutes." Paul scolded. 


"Sure honey, i'll take a pic. Louis smiled signing autographs for fans and getting pictures.

"Where are the others?" A fan asked.

"Other side. I don't think i'm really supoosed to be here either." Louis paused for a second but continued taking pictures.

"LOUIS WILLIAM TOMLINSON!" Paul shouted making Louis turn.

"Shoot, I gotta go. Love you guys !" Louis shouted before running off.

"Why didn't you tell me where you were going?!" Paul asked angrily.

"Because I'm 21 and I don't need to tell you stuff Paul." Louis snorted back.

"Oh really? Well, you know what take a seat next to Liam and Zayn." Paul said pointing to the bench.

"Um no. I am not sitting in time-out." Louis whined.

"Sit dow now Louis!" Paul yelled.

"NO UGHHH!" Louis screamed. Paul grabbed Louis' arm and made him sit.

"Guys, where's Haz and Niall?" Paul asked looking around and then spotting two boys fighting.



"STOP IT HARRY! YOU'RE HURTING ME!" Niall screeched from the bottom.

"BOYS, ENOUGH!"  Paul screams breaking the two apart.

"Paul, we uh!" Harry started but Paul put up his hand.

"I don't want to hear it. Get up, both of you clean yourself up and get on that bench." Paul ordered. 

The two gladly went into the restroom cleaning up any cuts while Paul went back to the other 3.

"Boys, where did you get that ball from?" Paul asked looking at Liam and Zayn who now had a bright red ball.

"U-Um, we had it?" Liam said.

"Hm really?" Paul asked. Liam nodded slowly. A boy came up a few minutes later crying about his ball being taken away.

"This young man tells me you both took it." Paul said not taking his eyes off Liam nor Zayn.

'Um.." Liam started.

"I've had enough. You two are getting a spanking." Paul angrily said.

"Can I leave Paul? You're so freaking annoying." Louis whines.

"You're already getting spanked when we get home so don't make it worse." Paul warns.

"GET OFF OF ME!" Harry yelled back.



"I want all 5 of you to find a corner and have yourself bared when I come back." Paul ordered.

The five obeyed and waited patiently for Paul to come back.

"Now, all 5 of you are going to get spanked. All of you will be getting different implements." Paul explained showing the paddle, brush, belt, and ruler.

"But Paul!" Louis whined from the corner stomping his foot.

"ENOUGH!" Paul barked.


I'm really tired. So i'm gonna make a part 2 which is everyone's spanking

comment who deserves what?






it's 2:18am and i broke my promise because  i said i'd update but  i didn't. hope this is good!






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