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This stupid, stupid man. He honestly thinks he knows. News flash niño your as dumb as a rock and trying to understand me while jerking off to your fantasies isn't going to get you anywhere.

"What are your darkest desires in life," I charmed.

The therapist lend forward, smirking a bit. "I would do anything to nail the secretary in the principal's office. I hate him so much. And I want to just have a drink and take you out for dinner." He blinked and cleared his throat, looking a bit confused. "That's it for today."

"No, we just started. You can't end it now," I purred, snaking over to his chair. "Now tell me, what's so erotic about the secretary?"

He sat back uncomfortable, while a knelt in front of him. "She's just-"

"Just what?," I whispered.

"She just has long voluminous hair, that I want to wrap around my hand to pull on."

"Uh- huh." I crept on his lap and straddled him. "What else?"

He took in a deep gulp, looking down at my chest. "She has really ample brea-"

Someone knocked on the door snapping him back to reality and breaking my concentration. I huffed, but held my position. The door opened and Death came in.

He laughed a little. "Is this a bad time?" I gave him a drool stare and he smiled. "I'm sorry, but Belle has to go, we have a prior engagement to get to."

The therapist looked at me, carefully pushing me off. I grabbed my stuff and stormed out. Why can't I just release some frustrations? I promise not to overheat during climax. Well I'll try not to, that's not that easy to control. 

Death slung his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him. He was still laughing and it was starting to annoy me. If he keeps at it I'm going to make him sing. Then the clouds will open to the heavens and claim him back, so I won't have to put up with his chastisement for one fraction of a nanosecond more.

"So you and the therapist," he teased while smirking at me. "I knew you were bored, I didn't know you were that bored."

"Well when your cuddle buddy makes a bet with mother dearest you have to improvise."

His smile only grew wider. He leaned down into my and whispered, "Your mother didn't think we would make it this far. My goal was the summer, her's was 4 months... It's been 4 months and 3 days."

I stopped and stared up at him. "Where were you 3 days ago when I had to watch a video of a girl eating ice cream off herself to get myself out the mood?!"

He knitted his brows together looking at me a little confused. "I thought you said you got off from that."

"That's besides the point. The point is..." I huffed and walked down the hall. "Nevermind, it doesn't matter."

We had to get to Aniel's house to help Naomi get ready for what the fuck ever she was doing. Apparently since I'm a girl and all I know how to do these "girly type things." Even when I explained I didn't know how to paint a perfect wing they still insisted I try.

We were halfway out the school when I hissed in pain. My arm felt like...

I latched onto Death turning the corner and popped up at Aniel's house. Not in it, because that tends to freak people out so I was banging on the door like a mad man. Sophia answered and I moved past her to get to Aniel's room. And of course he locked the door. I gently broke the handle and barged in and he was hiding away in his bathroom, but that door was cracked open.

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