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It's probably 94 degrees in here right now. Crazy how fast that can happen sometimes. Piss me off and well things can literally go from 0 to 100.

I just can't believe he would do this. And to think- you know what it was stupid to have even let that thought slip into my mind. Nothing was going to go right anyway. Don't even know why I would think that.

"I can explain," he said nervously.

"Then do it."

He wiped the sweat off of him and refused to meet my gaze. "They said they were going to hurt my family if I didn't. They said if I didn't they were going to make it as if they never existed and leave me to only know. I can't let that happen."

So he was just going to go ahead and do it, even though I could prevent that if I just had my sister back. I understand, I do, but Belle is tired of being the person who gets betrayed.

"Did you ever stop to think about how I would feel about this," I said lowly.

"Don't do that, because you were just going to do whatever you wanted anyway even if I didn't give consent."

I glared at him. "If I wanted to get everything that I desired I would have had it a long time ago. So don't think for a split second that I didn't think it through."

He rolled his eyes, looking out the window. I was done here. There was no need to stick around any longer to listen to his bullshit. I got out and just started walking.

"Come back here," he yelled out the car.

"Fuck you!"

He made me so mad. For a fraction of a nano second I thought I- oh I can't even think about it. I'll just go to the loft and breathe maybe hit a few things along the way.

I swear for a person like me, I'm so dumb. I never see it until it's too late and then when I do, I'm left with nothing to do. Nothing to feel. Nothing to know. Everything after all of this is nothing and I'm left numb and feeling hollow.

I guess my mother was right once I get something nice, I don't know what to do with it and I only get used in the process.

"Fucking stupid ass earth with its stupid ass people," I muttered walking into the loft. "I don't need him. I can just go there myself. You know what I'm going."

"Belle, what do you think you're doing," father asked on the other side of the loft.

"I'm going."

"No you're not."

I shook my head at him and slowly walked over. "I'm going and there's not a thing you can do to stop me."

He arched his brow at me and nodded. That was it, just a simple nod, nothing else. He just stood there and waited for me to go, but I couldn't while he just stood there.

He stared at me and I couldn't work up the nerve to look at him back. I was mustering up enough energy for this little trip, but I can't while he's watching.

"Ah now you're thinking," he said. "I know I can't stop you, so just go. It should not matter if I'm here or not, leave if you're willing."

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