Chapter 6: I'm Scared of Liking You

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The days at the studio were quiet.

Everyone would simply focus on working harder than ever because of the lack of one member. It took a toll on all of them.

At the dance practices the members would get yelled at for stepping into Yoongi's invisible spot. "He's supposed to be there," our instructor would say, "don't step into that area." It even saddened the instructor to have to teach without one of us present.

Suga hadn't come to the studio or to their shared home for days.

Every member tried calling and texting him but for the first few days, they got nothing back.

What sucked the most was when Yoongi finally did start contacting back, it wasn't to all of them. Jungkook, Taehyung and Hoseok never got any message, no call, nothing. The other members tried not to emphasis that they were finally associating with the older hyung again especially knowing how upset it made the other three feel.

One day, Jungkook was with Jimin. Out for breakfast, Yoongi had suddenly called Jimin. He had awkwardly picked up the phone, talking to him silently about the new song he was working on as he needed some feedback from the members as well.

No matter how softly Jimin tried to talk, Jungkook was attentive, trying to get as much from the conversation as possible. Eyeing the side of Jimin's face slowly, Jungkook noticed his hyung's eyes go soft. Jungkook shook his head when Jimin extended the phone, knowing that his hyung didn't want to speak to him. Jimin simply urged as he wiggled the device in his hand. Jungkook swallowed as he took it.

"Yahh, no this part isn't good right?" Yoongi asked, oblivious to who was on the other line as he seemed to be reading some lyrics.

Jungkook went, "hm?" His whole body relaxed at the sound of his hyung's voice. He hadn't heard that voice in so long.

"What about this part?" Yoongi continued only to rap a bit of the second part.

Jungkook was in awe of it. The way his hyung was so good at controlling the stability of his voice while rapping. His voice the perfect amount of rasp and exaggerated emotion. "Hyung it's really good," Jungkook said out loudly without thinking. He was smiling hugely.

The line suddenly became silent. Jungkook's smile fell immediately.

"Hello hyung," he said softly, slightly nervous as his palm that held the cell to his ear started to sweat.

Jimin's eyes softened at the maknae so nervous.

"Hi," Suga said slowly and Jungkook smiled so big at the fact that Yoongi acknowledged him.

Jimin smiled at how cute and excited Jungkook looked.


"Could you give it back to Jimin," Yoongi stated, his voice extremely quiet over the phone.

Jungkook's face fell so quick at that, his jaw clenching a bit as he sighed, "okay hyung," he said slowly, "I miss you." Jungkook waited to see if he could possibly hear anything else from the man but no, Yoongi was harshly silent.

Jungkook gave the phone to Jimin who had the most saddest look on his face.

"I'm sorry Jungkook," Jimin said feeling like he was responsible for Jungkook sulking suddenly.

"Hyung?" Jimin said over the phone and sighed when Yoongi soon ended the call with him too.

"Yup," Jimin sighed as he put the phone back into his pocket, "he probably won't be calling me either for a while now."

"I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault Jungkook," Jimin said as he rubbed reassuringly at the back of Jungkook's neck, "not your fault at all."

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