Chapter 25: No More Crying

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Jungkook smiled over at you lightly as you bit into your toast.

All gathered to have a breakfast buffet the hotel had arranged, Jungkook had trouble staring away from you. Sitting across from you didn't help his situation as he feared he'd freak you out with all his constant glances.


"Hm?" he asked, head shooting towards the direction of the woman who sat beside him.

Iri's mouth was full as she struggled in asking for the fancy milk jug that sat on the far side of the table.

He smiled before grabbing it and giving it to the woman. Watching her cover her mouth as she thanked him, she snorted cutely when almost spitting out her eggs.

"I'm a mess sorry," she laughed and he grinned before glancing over at his hyung who was surprisingly smiling at the sight of the woman as well.

Yoongi sat across from Iris.

"Iris where'd you disappear to when in the bathroom yesterday?" you asked awkwardly. You forced yourself not to look over at Jungkook when remembering all that had happened between the two of you the day before.

Iris choked.

Jungkook brought the milk jug over to her hastily in attempts to help her.

You panicked at her reaction. Oh no, she didn't see did she?

She smiled lightly over at everyone at the table. Eyes lingering on Yoongi who seemed to tensely stare down at his plate, she noticed him playing with his food, barely touching it as the fork crossed over the pretty patterns.

"I wanted to explore the hotel a bit so just passed through Jungkook's room," Iris said smiling.

You were skeptical from her answer.

"W-Why not pass through our room?" you asked nervously.

Iris pursed her lips tight.

"Well I was afraid I'd catch a glimpse of Jungkook's dick so I didn't bother," she said casually as she used her fork to shove more of her eggs into her mouth.

Jungkook almost spit the milk that he was once trying to consume on to the tops of the table.

You flushed drastically.

"Why would you-"

"You two..." Yoongi trailed off, shocked. His eyes found Jungkook who was still trying to recover from the clogging in his throat, "You told her?"

Jungkook looked petrified as he looked over at Yoongi who was grinning. Shaking his head instantly, Yoongi was distracted by you when you shot out a "told me what?"

"Told you about the necklace!" Jungkook added quickly before Yoongi's lips could even part the slightest bit. "What else could I have told you," he sang out nervously as he gave his hyung the saddest desperate face he could muster.

Iris's eyes narrowed at the interaction between the two boys.

"Oh," Yoongi said, catching on, "Yes! Yes, the necklace."

You smiled, still confused over their behaviour as you pulled it out from under your shirt. "It's beautiful," you chimed sweetly before smiling over at Jungkook.

"Thank you again."

Yoongi tried not to laugh at Jungkook suddenly grinning at you instantly.

Iris simply went back to eating.

"Could you pass the jam?"

Iris let her fork slowly fall in her plate as she nodded over at the boy across from her. He was smiling softly over at her as she reached for the food. Slowly giving it to him, she watched him thank her.

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