Epilogue: His Birthday

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"Jimin still on about the oppa thing?" you asked softly, laughing a bit when Jungkook sighed tiredly, staring up at the sky before him.

It was the greatest birthday yet he felt as if time had already gone by extremely fast when with you. The nights on the familiar rock however were what made every night out here special for the both of you.

"Yes and he won't shut up about it even though we're a thing now," he said chuckling.

You laughed. Letting you finger's play softly with the strings of his hoodie, you moved your head that rested on his arm.

He moved you closer towards him, his arm rubbing at your hip.

"It would be almost 10 months now," you softly blurted out and he grinned hugely.

"I thought we weren't keeping score?" he teasingly asked and you grinned.

"Just be glad I haven't got the number of minutes noted down alright?" you retorted, laughing and bit when his fingertips jug into your side. You squirmed grabbing at his hand as you laughed at his attempts of tickling you for a quick moment.

"You settled on no one month gifting," he said laughing and you nodded, "yes. Instead you gifted me food!"

He laughed at you so excited.

"Don't get mad but I couldn't help at least get you a little something for your birthday," you whispered into his ear, staring at the side of his face as you waited for his reaction.

His brows furrowed deeply, a small smile on his face.

"I told you I was fine with nothing," he said softly, his arm securely around you, "being back from the concerts aboard...seeing you is the greatest present- the only I really need."

You pecked his lips, giggling a bit at his mouth as you moved away from him and stood up from on the rock.

Standing between his legs that were on either side of you, you let his arms wrap around your waist as he sat up on to the rock. He was no longer laying down, his eyes studying your every move with such care.

"I've got three things," you chimed grinning as you pulled out three of your fingers and wave them before him, "I'm gonna inhabit characteristics of a genie real quick so bare with me."

He laughed, his fingers tightly clasping with one another as he held you.

The very sight of you talk made him feel so refreshed.

"Three things?" he asked teasingly, "must be my lucky day."

You waved your first finger.

He forced his smile away, trying to act as if he was serious but you saw right through it as his lips curved up a bit when you spoke each time.

"One, you can ask me anything you please about the time you were gone. I know we had a few fights on the road...but I just wanted to wait and talk to you face to face about anything you still had issues with," you said sweetly.

He smiled sweetly back. He loved how considerate that on its own was.

"Two," you waved two fingers, "try not eating as much tonight because I've got a surprise for you once you come back to your place. The boys agreed to stay over at Shawn's- I'm surprised they're actually growing close with one another it's crazy I-"

"Rambling," he softly reminded, smiling to himself over how much he adored you going on and on about the most random events.

He hated that he had to interrupt you, but knew if he hadn't, you would have just sat there until the sun came out and night fell away, listening to you talk all night long.

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