Chapter 21: Goodbye Jungkook

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A/N: I apologize in advance. Just remember that I care about you ARMY and don't get pleasure from you crying or being upset...

Enjoy I guess.


Eyes heavy beyond belief, your throat killed as you feared your nose would run into the fabric of the unfamiliar pillow.

Squinting over at all parts of the room, you were confused when eyeing the mess near the bed as well.

You tried not to jump when a hand met your forehead. Gaze alert and swinging over to who stood by the bed, your eyes met a boy who was just as surprised as you.

"Jungkook?" you asked. You were completely out of it as you looked around the room again. Where am I?

He noticed your confused form, smiling lightly, he sat down on the edge of the bed. You looked at him once he did, sitting up quick. He saw you tense and swallowed hard as he moved uncomfortably away from you.

"You're in my room," he said slowly.

Your face looked as if you got shot.

He licked his bottom lip, trying not to smile at your expression.

"Don't worry," he said reassuringly, "nothing fell asleep so I brought you back here. I would've taken you home but you got a fever in the car."

You rubbed at your head gently as you listened to him, nodding.

"You crashed up here and I took the floor," he said a tad awkward.

It was obvious to you that he was trying his hardest not to have you uncomfortable.

Glancing down at your dress you still had on, you blinked tiredly as you glanced over at Jungkook who was running a hand lazily through his hair himself. You could tell he had just woken up. Eyes trailing down to his bare shoulder, you flashed your gaze away from him quick when realizing he was shirtless.

Face scrunching and cursing at the fact that the voice inside your head kept urging to look over and study his torso, you refused to give in.

Jungkook would try his best to not show himself either. His arm covering at his chest and stomach region with his bare arms, he rubbed tiredly at his skin as he smiled cutely over at you.

You nervously smiled back like an idiot.

"You still feeling sick?" he asked concerned as he moved his hand from his chest and to your forehead again without thinking.

Your lips parted. Seeing such worry in his mind hurt you. All you could remember were the days where you'd injure yourself even the slightest and he'd wear that same expression almost always. Heart falling to your gut, you tried not pouting.

Palm slightly touching the side of your neck as he moved you hair back from your shoulder, your eyes softened as you watched him unknowingly move closer to you.

Gaze moving to meet yours, Jungkook's worried eyes softened when seeing you eyeing him.

Viewing and memorizing every feature of his bare face, you found yourself slowly moving into the backside of his hand that lightly moved up your cheek. The tips of his knuckles grazing your jaw line, he watched in awe as you clenched the muscles in your jaw beneath his touch.

You found yourself unable to breath when he eyed your lips thoroughly, his thumb gently touching your bottom lip in astonishment. Chest suddenly moving harsher when he allowed his thumb to drag your lip down very slowly, his expression darkened.

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