Chapter 8: Kiss Me

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You couldn't focus much on your lecture as you kept flipping through your phone.

You smiled, day suddenly brightened when Hoseok suddenly text you.

I'm sorry I let Jungkook go over to your place last night. I was piss drunk myself.
- Hoseok

Your smile fell a bit.

You don't have to apologize for anything oppa.
- Y/N

- Hoseok

You smiled all alone and to yourself hugely.

- Y/N

I'm going to go brag about this to Jimin who's been trying to get you to call him oppa since he met you. One sec.
- Hoseok

You giggled out loud.

Brows jumping as you felt eyes on you suddenly. There was a clearing of the throat by the front. Eyes widening when meeting your professor's irritated gaze, you swallowed before nodding in his direction a bit and apologizing.

"Sorry Mr. Haru," you said slowly as you put your phone away.

He looked annoyed but simply went back to teaching, calling out for other students to quit staring at me and focus on the lecture instead.

You swallowed slowly, feeling shitty over that happening as you glanced over at the group of people listening and attentive. Your eyes unknowingly seemed to try to find Racy.

When noticing what you were doing, your jaw clenched when remembering what happened this morning. You instantly stopped looking for the girl that wasn't even in the lecture hall to begin with.

Your phone vibrated in your pocket. Tempted, you sighed as you simply held off on touching it again, focusing on getting the remainder of notes for the second half of the lecture.


Absolutely exhausted and ready to just go home and pass out, the outing with Jungkook completely slipped your mind as you were looking into your bag for the keys to your car.

"Where you at?" You whined when you couldn't find it past your textbooks that successfully hid it.

You froze quick, your eyes jumping to the voice that suddenly erupted from in front of her car.


You eyed the awkward boy that stood before you. Taken aback, you managed to whisper, "what are you doing here? How'd you-"

"I used to come here with a friend," he clarified quick, "she studies here too..."

He trailed off near the end and your jaw clenched a bit. He knew you saw right through it. He nodded as he answered your unasked question. "Yes," he sighed out, "that friend being Racy."

You nodded, licking your lip a bit before moving towards the car again, hand touching the ends of your bag to find nothing.

You tried not focusing on how great he looked. His hair was styled, his jeans black and slightly ripped as they were snug against his legs. Plain white tee on, his jean jacket had a subtle scent of slight cologne.

"You look cool," you popped as you smiled lightly over at him.

He swallowed, nodding. "Thank you so much," he said out of breath. It was clear to the both of you there was tension.

"I've already said this in the, uh morning, but you," he looked down at you smiling, "y-you look nice as well."

You looked away at that. "I don't think I can do this today Jungkook," you replied honestly. It was hard enough maintaining eye contact with the boy, how was she supposed to spend her planned minimum of thirty minutes with the boy?

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