[slight warning ! Not excessively "out there" but if easily butthurt maybe not for ya]
Her hands moved through his hair, pulling towards the center of his head causing his lips to twitch against her mouth when instantly starting to move his lips quicker with her soft ones.
His brows furrowed slightly at the fact that he couldn't taste her against his lips. He felt everything. He felt her touch, he could smell her scent, he could hear the numbing beats of his heart ringing in his ears, and yet he couldn't taste her lips at all.
Pulling away slowly, Jungkook looked down at the girl, his mouth dry, unable to tell if he had even spent the night with the girl underneath him at all. He stuttered a bit as he hovered over the girl that looked up at him in confusion, her chest rose and fell.
"What's wrong?" she asked softly and he swallowed as he tried to shake his head a bit and snap out of his wandering thoughts. Tongue tracing the top of his mouth repeatedly as he tried to taste anything at all, he grew super intrigued instantly when his mouth became more parched.
He leaned down and kissed the girl who simply smiled up at him. She moved her lips instantly with his when he went on to deepen the kiss quicker than the last time. She moaned, yet, Jungkook's stomach didn't sit right with any of it.
Her touch felt wrong, her scent made his insides turn and squeeze...
He didn't acknowledge the fact that in every dream he had had of her earlier, he'd try to avoid all the obstacles arising. He would avoid the fact that he couldn't taste her, couldn't feel or touch her. He would simply kiss the one he thought he loved...
But this was the first time he focused on the obstacles.
Brows furrowing, he let his mind wrap around the very idea that he couldn't taste or touch Racy. She wasn't there...she wasn't for him in that very moment- an illusion.
Pulling away slowly, he didn't dare open his eyes.
"What's wrong?" Racy whispered up at him slowly.
He simply bit the insides of his cheeks, calming himself down.
He felt sick.
His brows furrowed deeply when a soft hand cupped at his cheek slowly. He felt her. He finally felt her.
Smiling as he looked down at the woman who's touch sent shivers down his spine, his eyes softened at the sight of you beneath him now.
You smiled cutely over at him, your thumb grazing his cheek.
"Is everything okay?" you quietly popped out.
Jungkook swallowed harshly, his eyes studying your every movement as he nodded.
He leaned into your touch, his lips kissing softly at your palm. He sighed against your palm when he was able to feel it by his lips. Letting his fingers lace through yours, he gently placed your intertwined hands onto the pillow by your head.
"What's wrong?" you asked worried over his dazed expression. He was in deep thought.
He shut his eyes for what seemed like forever, letting his lips kiss gently at the crook of your neck.
"Nothing," he said softly by your ear, "everything's perfect...you're perfect."
Smiling, Jungkook finally allowed himself to taste you as he marked your neck. Grinning when your breath hitched, he loved that he could touch you so freely.

The Bad Blind Date
Fanfiction"Kiss me." He choked on his drink, gawking over at you instantly, "HUH?!" "You know, mouth to mouth action, maybe a little tongue if you're lucky," you piped grinning smugly. He looked like he had just got hit so far up between his legs as his expr...