Racy had managed to come into the building without being noticed. The last thing she wanted was for any of the boys, other than Jungkook, to see her roaming the halls of their management building.
After everything that happened, none of the publicity towards the scandal had died down, so any glimpse of her in the building can cause even futher chaos if photos were taken of her here.
Sighing, she simply focused on moving comfortably towards the practice room where Jungkook had texted her to meet him 5 minutes ago.
Watching as the coast was clear, she used her long legs to manuver herself quickly towards the room.
"Going any faster won't stop me from seeing you."
Racy froze, her eyes shutting at the voice she heard from down the hall.
Glancing over at Yoongi who barely looked over at her as he began walking down the hall, she watched his tense form stop a bit around her.
"Jungkook and I were just going to talk," Racy popped awkwardly, her hand at the handle at this point.
Yoongi studied the ground as he nodded, his jaw clenched harshly.
"Do whatever you please," he sighed out before continuing his strides down the hall, "I don't give two shits."
Racy watched the silver haired man leave, her thoughts on the night they had spent with one another and what she had told him. Her heart hurt as she watched him turn the corner without a second glance.
"I love you," she sighed out, staring at the end of the hallway where he once was.
She turned the knob a bit, her form sulking, "I really do," she sang under her breath as she tried to compile herself while walking in.
"Hi," she said polietly over at Jungkook who greeted her from the ground of the room.
The look in his eyes made her feel uncomfortable.
He looked extremely upset.
"What's wrong?"
"A lot," he mumbled.
Yoongi, Namjoon, and Hoseok were helping one another out as they had sent the other boys to go home and sleep. Making Jin in charge of getting them home safely, they stayed behind only to catch up on a few more song revisions.
Yoongi moved inside with coffee.
"Ah, where's mine?" Hoseok asked teasingly and Yoongi smiled as he sweetly extended the cup towards Hoseok.
"It is yours," he said shrugging.
Hoseok's brows jumped as he took the cup. He looked over at Namjoon shocked.
"You're seeing this right?" he asked breathless. The silver haired man hadn't talked to him right or stayed near him ever since the night of the fight months ago.
Namjoon grinned before looking over at Yoongi who patted Hoseok's shoulder reassuringly.
Hoseok screeched as he hugged the man instantly.
Yoongi groaned.
"You're killing him," Namjoon mumbled, going back to focusing on his work.
"Y-You are," Yoongi let out, struggling.
Hoseok simply laughed by Yoongi's ear causing the man to swear as he arched his head back.
"Aish! Hoseok let me go, we've got to write more."

The Bad Blind Date
Fanfiction"Kiss me." He choked on his drink, gawking over at you instantly, "HUH?!" "You know, mouth to mouth action, maybe a little tongue if you're lucky," you piped grinning smugly. He looked like he had just got hit so far up between his legs as his expr...