A/N: Aye, I dropped this and an epilogue~ Hope you enjoy both! & please do read the little author's note at the end of the epilogue regarding the spinoff/sequel! :')
Jimin swore under his breath when having his eyes meet a familiar face from where he stood.
Hiding unknowingly behind Namjoon who stood oblivious to the tense boy, Taehyung was the one to nudge him and nod his head over.
"Why, why?" he urged, confused over Jimin showing such measures of uncomfortable standings.
A few of the members seemed to look over at him when hearing Taehyung. Looking over, Jimin mumbled a "nothing" as he tried to causally fix his hat.
The moment the boy rested against the large vehicle behind them, Jin snorted when Jimin almost fell while failing to lean on the opened door.
"What's wrong?" Namjoon asked, trying hard not to laugh, the leader had to playfully shove over at his hyung that was dying of laughter.
"Hyung stop," he muttered under his breath, his lips pursing from smiling when Jimin seemed to straighten up with the help of Taehyung and Hoseok.
The two trying to help were on the same level as Namjoon. Pitying the boy who was regaining his cool stance he once tried to initiate.
"What made you forget how to walk?" Hoseok piped, finally letting a little chuckle escaped him when Jimin shoved slightly away from him.
"Nothing, my legs work fine," he mumbled under his breath as he tried to look out for Jungkook and the others that were just about to get to the gates with the luggage.
Been waiting here for forever now, after seeing what Jimin saw, the others wouldn't understand his sudden haste to leave even if he told them.
"Is this about seeing Racy?" Namjoon tried again.
"Racy's not coming back with them," Jimin sighed out before successfully leaning against the closed door now.
Taehyung's form matched extreme confusion as his plans were to talk to the woman one last time. Along with Yoongi and Jungkook, Taehyung knew no matter how hard it was, he had to see the woman one last time. He needed answers.
"What do you mea-"
Jimin didn't realize the fact that he cut the boy off when pointing his chin over to the direction of the person he saw.
Everyone seemed to look around. Cars were parked and families were moving into numerous cars, bags being packed in and individuals reuniting. Yet, past all of it, none saw a face that could possibly get their fellow member worked up.
"Shawn," Jimin said rolling his eyes at his oblivious members as he now used his finger to point over at the boy who waited by his car a few gates down.
Jin snorted again.
Namjoon's face mimicked the expression of realization as he nodded, looking over at Taehyung and Hoseok who were still a bit confused.
"The friend that hates us," Namjoon clarified for the others and they suddenly nodded, understanding.
Jimin swallowed lightly at that. "W-Well he doesn't hate all of us," he slowly tried to explain, remembering the awkward night meeting the boy. Jimin could proudly claim that because of the encounter, the boy didn't exactly hate the members altogether. He didn't hate Jimin, and that was something Jimin could stand by...
"You okay?" Taehyung asked softly, worried a bit for Jimin growing pale.
"Why were you so worked up then?" Hoseok asked, still immensely confused, "If he doesn't want anything to do with us then there's nothing to worry about right?"

The Bad Blind Date
Fanfiction"Kiss me." He choked on his drink, gawking over at you instantly, "HUH?!" "You know, mouth to mouth action, maybe a little tongue if you're lucky," you piped grinning smugly. He looked like he had just got hit so far up between his legs as his expr...