Chapter 13: I Love Jungkook

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Dudes, I know what you must be thinking... "Ravs, shit, two chapter's updated in one night? What the fuck?"
Yes, I, Ravs, have just done the impossible aha. I'm sorry for taking forever to update! I hope these two help with the feels a bit. I'm working on more chapters and can't wait for you guys to read!!!
Thank you for being so patient!


You bowed down to the silver haired man as you slowly moved towards the door.

"I hope to see you around him again," Yoongi said as you moved to leave.

You nodded unknowingly, your eyes totally glazed over and your mind running over all that you two had just talked about.

You knew so much about him that it kind of made you uncomfortable. Min Yoongi, the once mysterious member from the group that you had never met, you now knew so much about.

"Thank you for answering my questions," you said slowly as you found yourself bowing respectfully again.

He laughed at you so in awe still.

"Jungkook knows everything that happened in the past with Racy...he got his answers," Yoongi sighed out as he stood up slowly, "I just thought you deserved to know too. Now how you feel about Racy or me can dwell on what I've told you."

You smiled lightly as you nodded at him. "No wonder Jungkook was instantly trying to comfort Racy and you when hearing what had happened between the two of you."

"Again," Yoongi said as he opened up the door for your awestruck form, "why he still claims to be in love with Racy, when he clearly loves you is insane to me."

You bumped temple first into the door's side, "HUH?"

Yoongi's eyes widened as you moved back in pain. "Aish! Are you alright?" he asked as he debated on touching your arm as you stumbled back.

You swore under your breath as you rubbed at the side of your head. Yoongi smiled lightly when you swore and your eyes jolted to meet his. You bowed about twice, apologizing instantly and he laughed.

"You've shown me more respect in the last ten minutes than the boys have for the last few years," Yoongi teased, trying to lighten up the mood.

You smiled a bit, "Ah, sorry. It's just I've heard so much about you."

He sighed, "from the news articles I bet."

You practically watched his exterior darken.

"No," you reassured, smiling still, "from Jungkook and the boys...from Taehyung. They all respect you greatly."

Yoongi smiled painfully. "Taehyung not so much any more," he sighed out as he opened the door a bit slower. He smiled cutely at you when covering the edges playfully so that you wouldn't hit your head clumsily again.

You simply grew in more awe of how perfect the man before you was. How Racy could hurt him like she did years ago was beyond your imagination.

"Thank you," you said as you moved out, "it was nice meeting you."

"You sure about that?" he asked chuckling when remembering what you were mumbling out earlier when accidentally confronting him.

You grinned a bit as you nodded.


You were looking at the side of his face as you walked outside. To your luck, it wasn't a surprise when you bumped straight into a frame. Looking over at the angry looking man, you smiled cutely at him so he'd refrain from yelling. Even Yoongi seemed to straighten up when seeing the man you were hurled against.

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