0.5/ prolouge, pilot, whatever

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     I'm not going to tell you my whole story, because that could take a long time. Of course, I am only eighteen years in, so a lot more is going to happen in the future. Anyways, here it goes. I grew up raised by a widowed mother. She actually did a great job of it for sixteen years. After she got into a terrible car accident, I had to go live with my aunt and her family. Of course, she lived states away from where I did, and I barely knew her, so I was not looking forward to it that much.

     On the other hand, she was (and still is) married to Jared Padalecki, one of the stars of my favorite television show ever since I was eleven. Awesome, right? Yeah, not as much as you would think. Since I was like, twelve, I have always looked up to him as a role model/ idol/ whatever. Obviously, I felt very uncomfortable with the very idea of admitting to him how much the show meant to me, how much it had helped me through my most difficult times, and how much I obsessed over it on a daily basis. So, I ended up telling him that I had never heard of the show.

     Lying wasn't my usual way to go in those type of situations, but what else was I supposed to say? 'Oh, my god! I am like, YOUR BIGGEST FAN! And now I GET TO LIVE WITH YOU! ASDFGHJKL!!'

     Um, no. Bad idea in my book.

     So, they did not find out for months. When they did, it was kind of funny actually. I was in my room watching the season nine finale on my computer. I have no idea why, since I had already seen it four times before. Anyways, after my favorite character died in that episode, I was a sobbing mess. It seemed like I cried twice as hard each time I watched the episode, which probably shouldn't happen...?

     Jared must have been walking by and heard me crying, so he came in my room to confront me and instead found me watching his show. I thought about it a lot after that, and it was actually a pretty embarrassing way for him to find out.

     Okay, now let's go back to the beginning.

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