9/ replay

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"You actually live with your idols?" Haley asks, her eyes widening a little and her jaw nearly dropping. I smirk and nod, then I pull out my new iPhone.

"And they bought me this," I brag. I should be feeling terrible for rubbing all this great news in her face, but she doesn't seem to mind it.

"Oh, my god!" She gasps. "Can I...?" She holds her hand out and I nod, setting the phone in her hand. "So beautiful," she murmurs, stroking the back of the phone with her hand. I laugh.

"Okay, okay," I say, taking the phone away from her. "It's still just a phone." She raises her eyebrows. "Really. There are more important things in life."

"Yeah, like what?" She questions. I shrug.

"Off the top of my head? Oxygen." She rolls her eyes. Suddenly, she snaps her head up and stands up, looking past me.

"Hey, bro," she says, smiling. "Charlie, this is my brother, Jason." I stand up and turn around, only to come face to face with the attractive boy I was checking out earlier. My heart immediately speeds up.

"Hi," I manage to get out. The corner of his mouth turns up, causing me to smile, too.

"Hey, Charlie," he says, causing me to raise my eyebrows.

He's fucking British, too?

Haley must see a tiny little spark between us, because she clears her throat and says, "I'm gonna go find a bathroom." Then she walks away, not giving us time to argue with her. I look at Jason again, but am too overwhelmed by his perfection, so I look at the ground.

"You hungry?" He asks. Considering the thoughts that I'm currently thinking, I obviously take this question the wrong way.

"Excuse me?" I ask, confused for a moment. Suddenly realizing what I was thinking, I feel my face heat up intensely. "Uh, I just ate an hour ago, actually." Great, I just fucking ruined my chance to hang out with him.

"You wanna hit the arcade then?" He asks. I shrug.

"Sure." I smile and follow him through the mall and towards the arcade. On our way there, I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I take it out and see that Jared texted me.

Moose: where are you

"Everything alright, darling?" Jason asks, noticing me looking at my phone. I blush and try to pretend he didn't just call me that sweet little nickname.

Me: in the arcade, why?

Surprisingly, he texts back about 0.02 seconds later.

Moose: just wondering. we're going to leave in an hour. stay safe.

"Stay safe? It's a mall, what could go wrong?" Jason questions, glancing over at my phone. I quickly text Jared back and shove my phone back in my pocket.

"Considering that I'm with you, probably lots of things," I mumble, not really meaning for him to hear me. But he did anyways, so now he is giving me an amused look. I didn't really mean what I said, I honestly don't think he would hurt a fly.

"You think I'm a trouble maker or something?" He asks, a small smile on his face. "A bad boy? Me?" He laughs a little, and that's when I notice he is still holding Allegiant in his hands. "I assure you, I am nothing of the sort." This time, I laugh, at his strange choice of words. Although, it does sort of suit his British accent.

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