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     I stayed up all night last night. I couldn't fall asleep, I was far too busy trying to make sense of what happened last night with Jason. After eating the most awkward dinner of my life, Jared picked me up at Haley's house around nine thirty. The ride back home was even more awkward, because I could not think of a single word to say to him.

     This morning, I go downstairs around six-thirty and into the kitchen to find Gen folding laundry at the table. "Hey," I greet, walking around the table and to the fridge. I open it, looking for the orange juice. I do this every morning after I wake up, and it doesn't seem to bother anyone, so I keep doing it.

     "You're up early," she responds as I sit at the table, making sure to be out of her way. Or awfully late, I think to myself, however I do not say anything. "You're probably excited about today, huh?" She asks, throwing me completely off guard.

     "Why? What's today?" She freezes what she's doing and furrows her eyebrows at me.

     "Jared didn't tell you?" I shake my head, and my heart immediately starts to race. What's today? What didn't he tell me? "There's a convention today. The guys want you to go with them." I furrow my eyebrows.

     "Why?" I ask, curious as to why they would want me to tag along. I mean, I'm not in the show or anything.

     "The rest of the cast wants to meet you," she replies. "And the fans are curious about you." I refill my glass with orange juice and furrow my eyebrows once again.

     "How do they know about me?"

     "The guys talk about you at conventions, I guess." I don't question any further, instead, try to properly digest the stuff she just told me. I've wanted to go to a Supernatural convention for years, and now I get to go. Only now, they don't know I watch the show, so I can't really go as a fan. Maybe it will still be fun.


     I sit in a chair about ten feet away from the guys. They are currently getting their pictures taken with the fans. This has been going on for about an hour. I've always wanted to get my picture taken with Misha, but I've never had enough money for something like that.

     It's an amazing thing to watch. The fans give the picture people their tickets, then they cry a little, smile, laugh, then pick a dorky pose for the picture. I'm quite jealous, to be honest. The guys are so great with their fans.

     I fold my hands in my lap, staring off into the distance blankly. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a girl getting her picture taken with Jared. I watch as she then pulls out a folded up letter and hands it to him, speaking inaudibly, and that's when I notice that she is crying. My heart swells as Jared pulls her into another hug and then kisses the top of her head.

     "Are you okay?" I look to my left and see Misha standing above me, looking at me with concern laced in his features. I lower my eyebrows.

     "I'm fine," I reply, like a reflex. He raises his eyebrows, clearly showing that he doesn't believe me. I sigh and gesture to Jared and Jensen, who are still taking photos with their fans. "I just...wish I could afford to get my picture taken with my favorite celebrity." I watch as his expression changes from concerned to smiley.

     "Come on," he says, and shocking me beyond belief when he holds his hand out to me. I raise my eyebrows and hesitate before taking it, pulling myself up and walking with him to the place where he was taking pictures earlier. I find it odd how he isn't taking pictures right now, but Jared and Jensen are. I don't know, maybe that's the way they do it.

Living With Jared PadaleckiWhere stories live. Discover now