16/ the sound of silence

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     It leaves me feeling confused and even a bit stupid when I realize that I have now lived here for almost two weeks, and I did not even notice the huge pool in the backyard. Hell, I did not even notice how huge the back yard was.

     For a reason unknown to me, the Padalecki family decide to have themselves a barbecue. Some of the cast members show up for it, and I invite Haley over, because Jared said I could. I wanted to invite Jason instead, but he has to work. When Haley told me that, I immediately questioned it, but she then explained hat he is eighteen years old and it is normal for him to have a job.

     When I called her house, she was watching her little sister, so she brought her along. I didn't mind, and Jared didn't either. Lou is like a younger version of Teresa, minus the supposed mental disorder. She's always cracking jokes, and trying to act tough, which should surprise me, since she is only seven. She also talks a lot, and she is very smart for a kid her age, so she's very interesting, too.

     Thomas and Shepherd seem to like her, too. They are currently playing with toys off in the distance, with Jared and Gen glancing at them every now and then from over by the porch. Haley and I are sitting by the pool with Richard, mostly because I like the smell of the water, and partly because Misha and Jensen are in it with there kids and let me tell you, they are fun to watch.

     "I like her," I say to Haley, referring to Lou as I gesture towards the trio of kids playing. Haley smiles, nodding a little as she takes a drink from her can of Pepsi.

     "Obviously," she murmurs, a proud look crossing her face, as if Lou was her daughter instead of her sister. I furrow my eyebrows as I hear the Deadpool theme song, but then Haley pulls her phone out of her pocket and the music stops as she puts it to her ear.

     As I listen to the conversation, I figure out that she is talking to Jason, and that he is going to be late for something. I quirk an eyebrow at her when she says something that catches my attention.

     "Aw, you like her," she teases her brother, looking at me. "Yes, you do."

     I wait patiently for her to finish talking, then ask her about it. The goofy smile on her face throws me completely off guard. Because I am the person I am, it is only natural for me to assume that he likes someone who is not me. I must have a sad look on my face, because she smiles a little.

     "Aw," she coos. I roll my eyes and glance away towards the ground. How dare she tease me about something that means so much to me? Unbelievable. "Don't worry," she laughs a little, still smiling. "Jason has a crush on you," she says in a sing-songy voice which frustrates the hell out of me. However, what she said makes my face heat up, from an overload of feeling embarrassed and flattered. Why would he like me? I'm nothing special.

     I am literally half a second away from pouring out questions, but since I would regret that, I am glad that Richard says something before I get to.

     "You've been here like, two weeks!" He exclaims, probably thinking that I have a line of guys waiting to go out with me, which is the farthest from the truth. "Are there any other guys we need to know about?" I'm surprised at this, because suddenly he sounds like a parent scolding a child, except he's not my parent and I'm not a child.

     "No!" I reply defensively, noticing Haley smiling a little with her eyebrows raised. "Of course not. It's a miracle that there's even one." I laugh a little, taking a drink from my Mountain Dew bottle. Haley types away at her phone for a few seconds before mine vibrates in my pocket. I take it out, and it doesn't surprise me that the text is from Haley. There's obviously something she doesn't want to say in front of the guys.

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