18/ dark star

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     The next couple of days, I don't do hardly anything besides mope around the house and build forts with the kids. For some reason, I feel so lousy and exhausted. I can't figure out why, though, because lately I have been really happy, what with spending time with Jason. I have not met up with him since the day we spent together, which I cannot stop thinking about.

     It was a wonderful feeling, curled up against him on a comfortable couch watching one of my favorite sitcoms. But unfortunately, time flies when you are having fun.

     That's why I'm so happy when he calls me the day before his birthday party and asks me to meet up with him. Apparently, he has something he wants to talk to me about, which scares me more than it should. If what he has to say is so important that he couldn't tell me through a text or over the phone, it must be either really bad or really good. You can probably guess what I think it is.

     And the fact that he wants to meet at Starbucks makes me all the more uncomfortable. That's such a cliché place to meet, and I've never even been there, since I don't care too much for coffee, so I'm not too thrilled about it.

     This is why I'm overjoyed when I get there and find a surprisingly small amount of people inside. This makes it easy to spot Jason, who is sitting in the right corner booth with a book opened up in front of him. I roll my eyes, but smile a little at the memory of when I first saw him in the mall, in the same position he is in now.

     "Hiya, Jason," I greet, sitting across from him and folding my hands together on the table. He frowns in confusion.

     "Hiya? Really?" I shrug and roll my eyes, feeling too tired to give a crap about what he thinks of my word use. He shakes his head a little and clears his throat. "Anyways, remember this Andy fellow I mentioned the other day?" I nod, cueing him to go on. "Well, when I was telling him about you..." he trails off and stops talking as a huge grin spreads across my face. "What?" He groans in frustration.

     "You tell your friends about me?" I ask, and for a moment it looks like his cheeks turn a few shades darker. I roll my eyes again and he continues with what he was saying.

     "When I was telling him about you, I guess he made the assumption that you're my girlfriend." He stops talking, as if waiting for my reaction. Much to his disappointment, I just blink.

     "So, what did you say to that?" Jason fumbles with his fingers a moment, making it obvious that he's stalling, refusing to tell me something important. "Jason," I push in a warning voice. He winces a bit, but tells me anyway.

     "Nothing, actually." Raising my eyebrows, I tilt my head to the side, as if waiting for an explanation from him. If he is going to walk around telling all of his buddies that I'm his girlfriend, I'm pretty sure I deserve to know why. "Andrew always dates the smartest, prettiest girls, and I feel like if I pretend to go out with you it will... balance the scale a little." I immediately prepare a sarcastic comment to fire back at him, but soon enough, I feel flattered instead. Jason pretty much told me that I'm pretty and smart. Since compliments are so foreign to me, I can only reply with one shaky word.


     As the waitress brings him his coffee, he raises his eyebrows in surprise, still looking at me, as if he doesn't notice the tall, beautiful red head standing above him, with her lips curved into a flirty smile. Jason simply nods a thanks at her, and gives her no second glance, turning his attention back to me. I happen to notice the rudeness as she turns, rolling her eyes and scoffing in frustration, storming off without asking me if I would like to order anything.

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