12/ confident

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"Who's your favorite Marvel character?" Haley asks me. She stayed over last night, and we are currently asking each other random questions to get to know each other better. It's really fun with her here, so I can have a friend to hang out with. However, she looks so much like her little brother, so my mind keeps wandering to him and then I get in a sad mood.

"Iron man and wolverine," I reply. I used to be unsure if Wolverine was even a marvel character, but when I got it on DVD, the logo popped up before the movie started, so I'm guessing that he is.

"Okay, your turn." I lay across my bed in a weird way, with my arms straight across and my head dangling over the edge of the bed. This position is making me really dizzy from all the blood rushing to my head, but I don't care, because everything looks cooler upside down.

"What do your parents do for a living?" It's a very simple question, yet for some people it can be more on the personal side. I still do not know much about Haley's parents or her brother.

"My mom works nights at the hospital and my dad runs a business," she replies instantly, and the way she says it makes me cringe. She sounds like she doesn't even care what her parents do. I still don't know why she despises them so much. "How many boys have you kissed?" She asks, not giving me time to question her relationship with her parents. I don't mind, though, considering it's none of my business.

Upon hearing what she asked me, I realize that, even though I have been in a fair amount of relationships, I've never gotten so far as to getting intimate with a guy, let alone kiss one. This should affect me more than it does, but it really doesn't bother me. The way I see it, every relationship ends painfully, so it's better to have less good memories to cry about afterwards.

"You have kissed someone before, right?" She asks. I raise my eyebrows and shake my head. "What?!? How? I mean... how?!?" I scoff.

"Right, like I don't have enough saliva of my own." She starts to say something else, but I don't want to talk about it anymore, so I cut her off. "Okay, my turn! My question is... what is Jason like?" She rolls her eyes.

"When are you going to get over him?"

"Never," I reply. "Now answer the question." She sighs in frustration, but answers nonetheless.

"Well, he loves to read," she says, causing me to smile a little. My precious nerd. "He's really good at singing, but the chances that you'll ever actually hear him are very low. He's very insecure about his looks and his voice and a lot of other things, probably. He's really smart and funny." She finishes talking, but I'm still curious about one other thing.

"How is he with girls?" I ask quietly. Haley shrugs.

"I don't know," she responds. I sigh in frustration, for that does not help me one bit. "From what I know, he's never been on a date. Maybe he's had one or two girlfriends before. I'm not sure, I try to stay out of his love life." I roll over on the bed, so I'm laying normal again. I feel the blood rush from my head, making me even more dizzy than before. "You know, it would be easier to get to know him if you came over to our house, say, for dinner tomorrow night?" I smile a little, as I can already tell what she is planning.

If I go over to her house for dinner, then Jason will be there, too, and I can talk to him and get to know him better.


June 18, 2016

I take a long deep breath before knocking on the front door of Haley's house three times. She gave me the address, and Jared was going somewhere near her house, so he just dropped me off on his way.

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