20/ words as weapons

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The party seems to last forever. After dancing, Jason and I talk for a while, and I remember to tell him happy birthday. He's eighteen now, so for the next week and a half he will be a whomping two years older than me. Of course, I don't plan to have a big party like this, or even tell anyone about my turning seventeen. It's not really a big deal, just another milestone in my pointless life.

I have always tried to keep the milestones to myself, because if they aren't a big deal to me, then they should not really matter to others. My mom never spoiled me, even on my birthdays, and I knew better than to question it. She always seemed distant, in her own little world, a broken shell of the person she used to be.

I suppose it was losing her husband, my dad, a few years after I was born, that affected her like that. After watching those videos I found, I have formed a small adoration for him myself. But it seems a bit inappropriate to miss someone I don't even remember.

"Hello, again." I turn and find Andrew behind me, who has broken my long trance of thoughts. I suppose I get lost in my own little world, too, like my mom used to. I probably looked stupid, sitting and staring quietly off into the distance. "So you and Jason really are a pair, huh?" I roll my eyes, as I realize that he is no longer wearing that ridiculous Groot costume that he was wearing the last time we chatted. Must be he was getting too much ridicule to handle and he thought better to just rid himself of it. Now, he's wearing jeans and sandals and a green t-shirt, which looks equally as strange on him as the costume did.

"What about it?" I wonder aloud, fingering the hem of my purple blazer, there for the purpose of making me look more like the Joker. I make sure to keep a safe and comfortable distance away from Andrew. He hasn't really done anything wrong, I just have horrible trust issues, and thankfully, he doesn't seem to notice.

"Nothing, just that you aren't really his type," he replies. My stomach twists; I don't really want to have a conversation like this with Andrew, who I just met an hour ago. Well, I really don't want to have this kind of conversation with any kind of person, because these are the kind that can expose how vulnerable I am, and I don't want to do that.

"Yeah? What is Jason's type?" I ask, swallowing painfully. I don't want to hear this, not at his party, surrounded by all these strangers. Looking around, I easily spot a hallway that hopefully leads to a bathroom, and the front door which I came in earlier.

Andy shrugs, "I don't mean to offend, but he usually goes out with sexy, outgoing girls. And, don't get me wrong, I love this whole adorable-nerdy-thing you've got going on here, but it's quite a change for Jason. There must be something special he sees in you." I furrow my eyebrows, curious as to why he would waste his time saying all of that when he could have just stabbed me in the chest, it would have been quicker, and just as painful.

Every word that Andy just said only confirmed my earlier worries. I have no time to confront him about it, though, because some girl dressed as Black Widow comes up to him and pulls him out of my sight.

I can feel the familiar dizziness that comes just before the breathless crying and attempts to breathe. I can feel it, sneaking up on me, like a predator stalking its prey, but it scurries away when I'm distracted by laughter coming from outside. Most of the people inside the room are swarming outside to see what all the commotion is about, and I, like the idiot I am, follow.

A circle of people are gathered around, and I try to force my way through them to see what's going on.

"Come on. Are you too chicken to get back up?" As I finally get up front, I stand next to Haley and Emily who are watching with worry and pity rather than interest, like everyone else. I almost gasp in surprise when I see three guys, all looking to be around my age, picking on a little boy, who looks around nine or ten.

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