17/ hooked on a feeling

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     It was somehow easy to get over to Haley's house the next morning. I did not think that Jared and Gen would allow me to stay in a house alone with a boy for eight whole hours. According to Haley, the best way to get your parents to let you hang out with a guy alone is lie to your parents and say that you are going to a girlfriend's house.

     Obviously, I was not all for this idea, but before I could even begin to protest, Haley had her plan in action. She called Jared in the morning and asked him if I could spend the whole day at her house. Technically, she didn't lie, because I was going to be spending the entire day at her house, she just wasn't going to be there.

     I have to hand it to her, that was pretty clever.

Around eleven thirty, Gen drops me off at Haley's house. Haley is standing there on the porch when we get there, probably just to make the lie seem more real. I know she is going to leave the minute I get in there. I have never went behind an adult's back to do something like this, so I feel kind of guilty. But, I also know that I am far too terrified to do anything with Jason yet.

     "Bye, Gen! I'll bring her home at nine!" Haley says, as I get out of the car, making me widen my eyes a bit. I wave goodbye to Gen as I walk towards the porch, giving Haley a pointed look.

     "Nine?" I ask, through gritted teeth. I definitely did not plan on staying that long. I'm afraid that Jason will become bored with me after only a few hours. Haley just laughs, amused with my nervousness as she steps inside, with me trailing behind her.

    "Well, yeah," she murmurs in response. "Emily! Charlie's here!" She yells up the stairs, and I get a little impatient with her. She turns to me, and surprisingly answers me. "There's condoms in the top drawer in the bathroom upstairs," she says quietly, and I scoff, finding her behavior quite ridiculous.

     "Haley," I groan in frustration. "We're not going to do anything." I take my shoes off by the door as I hear footsteps coming down the stairs.

     "Hey, Charlie," Emily says, greeting me as she heads for the door. "I heard you're going to get laid today." She sets her hands on my shoulders and smiles. "Congratulations." Then, she walks out the door, calling out for Haley.

     "See you later," I mumble, still frustrated with their assumptions. I mean, why would they think that we are going to have sex? I haven't even known Jason that long. I'm not quite sure he would even want to, anyways.

     After she leaves, I feel slightly relieved to have her away from me for the moment. She's really nice, but sometimes I just take the joking and teasing a little too seriously.

    "Jason?" I call out, searching for the person I am supposed to spend the day with. This is going to be fun.

     "In here," I hear his voice from the other room. I have not been in their house long enough to know where every room is, so it takes me a few minutes to find him. "You lost?" He asks as I step into the room. He's sitting on a blue chair, leaned back, and watching the walking dead on the big screen TV. I roll my eyes and step forward, realizing that this particular episode is from season three.

     "Shut up, I've only been here twice." I plop down on the chair opposite of Jason, glancing at the screen. A few minutes later, I glance over and notice him staring at me with a small smile on his face. "What are you looking at?"

     "You like this show?" He questions, raising an eyebrow and adjusting his glasses. I scoff.

     "I think every person in America likes this show," I reply, though I have only seen seasons one through five of it myself. "I don't want to watch TV right now. Let's go outside." He scoffs, the corner of his mouth turning up in an amused smirk.

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