21/ it's my life

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Gen and Jared weren't too psyched about me getting home after midnight last night. Though I tried to be quiet whilst coming in, they were awake anyways, waiting to scold me. I probably should have told them when and where I was going before I left, but it slipped my mind; I didn't think they would even notice I was gone.

But they did, and the next time I stay out that long without letting them know where I am, they'll ground me. I'm not sure that would do me good, because I don't really like going out anyways.

Gen and Jared took the kids over to Jensen's a few moments ago, and now I'm sitting on the couch in the living room watching a Marvel movie and sipping on a soda. The ring of the doorbell interrupts my quality time with the television and I pause it, getting up and opening the door. On the other side is a man whom I have never seen before, but he is the spitting image of Alison's father on Teen Wolf.

"Are you Charlie?" He asks, staying in the doorway. He is very intimidating, and I really hope he doesn't want to come in. I hesitate a little before nodding. "I'm Gary Prescott, Jason and Haley's stepfather." I immediately tense up, assuming right away that this is about what happened at the party last night, about me punching that guy. "Relax, you're not in trouble," he adds, as if seeing my discomfort.

"Then why are you here?"

"I'm here to tell you that I think what you did was the right thing," he says, confusing me. I lower my eyebrows, to show it. "That boy deserved a good punch, after what he did to that kid. He had no right to treat Peter like that."

"Oh, well, thank you, sir," I reply, standing straight and trying to show him respect. Jason's mom already doesn't like me; it would be nice to get one of his parents on my good side, and Gary seems like a decent guy. "But, you didn't really have to come all the way over here to tell me that. You could have just called." He nods.

"I know, but there's something else I want to ask you," says Gary, wiping a hand across his face. His sudden hesitation causes an uncomfortable lump to form in my throat. It's something bad, I know. "Jason said you were asking about working at the restaurant."

Last night, after I patched up Peter, I did ask Jason about working at the restaurant that his family owns. I hate using Jared and Gen's money whenever I want something, so I figure if I get a job there, I'll be able to see Jason and Haley all day, plus I'll be making some money.

"Yeah," I reply. He looks around the house, as if searching for someone.

"Okay," says Gary, and I quirk an eyebrow in suspicion. "When can you start?" I can't help the small hint of a smile that makes its way across my face, in excitement.

"Now?" It comes out like a question, but I don't really mean for it too. He nods a little. "I could use a ride, though."

After slipping on my shoes and leaving a short note on the counter for Jared and Gen (of course, I only say that I went out with some friends and I'll be back tonight), Gary and I drive to the restaurant. I suppose he owns it, since it's called Prescott's Diner, and Jason only works there because Gary does. It's not very far from the house, just a mile or so before Jason and Haley's house.

When we get there, it's around noon, and Jason and his little sister, Lou, are waiting tables. Jason looks up as the bell on the front door rings, announcing Gary and I's arrival. He smiles a little, and turns to say something to Lou, who is pulling at Jason's arm and pouting a little. I grin at the adorable sight.

Gary is already gone, slipping through what I assume is the kitchen door behind the counter. I sigh deeply as I step forward, sitting at the counter and smiling at Jason.

"You really impressed Gary, when you punched that bully," he remarks, and I smile shyly, shrugging. I really wasn't trying to impress anyone, except maybe Peter, when I did that. I only meant to drive away the bully, and that seemed like the only way to do so.

"I didn't mean to," I confess, going around the counter and slipping on the apron that Jason holds out. "I was just trying to help Peter." Jason smiles again, a sweeter, softer one that warms my heart.

"That was really nice of you," he says quietly, and he grazes his fingers across mine, causing me to tense up a little and swallow thickly. I don't think he even meant to do that, but still, it causes my heart to go on overdrive. I suppose if I'm not the one who makes the first move, I get extremely uncomfortable. If I don't know what's going on or what's going to happen, I get really nervous and feel vulnerable, which makes everything much more intense than it should be.

"Yeah," I croak, clearing my throat afterwards and pulling away, heat quickly rising to my cheeks. "Where does this go to?" I gesture to the cup of coffee sitting on the counter in front of me. He points, showing me a table that has a girl sitting at it, who looks to be around my age. I immediately dread it, for she looks like the type of girl who makes fun of me at school. She is wearing a white tank top that shows off her cleavage, a pair of skin tight jeans, and converse shoes. Her brown hair with blonde highlights is tied back in a bun. She is wearing blue eye shadow, red lipstick, and she is holding an iPhone.

I immediately wonder why Jason isn't checking her out.

Taking another deep breath, I stroll over there, coffee in hand, expecting this girl to tease me about Jason or the way I wear my hat.

But when I set her coffee down, she smiles sincerely and nods, looking up from her iPhone, "thank you." I am oddly fazed by her politeness, and I almost question what she said, but instead, I just smile in response, nodding and walking back to the counter.

* * *

For the rest of the day, Jason shows me the basics of helping out in the diner. I catch on pretty fast and by the end of the day, I have already gotten the hang of things. I have also gotten to know Lou a little better, and the more I find out about her, the more I like her. She likes to draw cartoon characters, she watches shows on Disney channel, and she sasses anyone who makes fun of her or her siblings. She is pretty good at it for a girl her age.

Emily and Haley came by around four and they have been helping since then. Now, it's almost nine, and Gary is leaving. Jason said it's Gary and Lynn's anniversary tomorrow, so Gary has to get up early to prepare for the long day that he's planning for his wife. They are going away, Haley said, while being very vague with the details.

"You did good for you first day, Charlie," Emily compliments, and I don't answer, trying to brush it off rather than thinking that she is right. I think I did exceptional, at the most, but no better than that. The people I had to wait on were surprisingly nicer than I thought they would be, which caused my fear of being sociable to shrink by a fraction of an inch. Maybe by the end of the summer I'll be able to initiate a conversation with someone.

"We better get going, love," says Haley, putting on her coat and looking at Emily. "We're going to be late for dinner." Emily nods, shrugging off her apron and hanging it up, following her fiancée out the door. "See you tomorrow, Charlie," the women say to me, before reminding Jason to lock up after he leaves.

Gary took Lou home when he left, so Jason and I are now alone, and I can still feel the awkward, uncomfortable tension from before. He keeps stealing quick glances at me as I sweep up, trying to keep a safe distance from him.

"Charlie?" He asks, sometime after nine, and I hesitate before looking up from the floor and over at him. "Are you alright?" I nod, adding a little smile to make myself more believable. I don't want him to think that I'm acting weird because of him, even though I am.

"Yeah, 'course," I reply, getting back to my sweeping.

He believed it.

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