3/ heart like mine

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(Charlie's Marvel hat and Mason's dancing song^^^)

Today is the day that Gen is coming. Mason is very excited, she's even going with me to the airport later. The only reason I agreed to that was because I don't want to be alone while meeting her. Mason can ramble on for hours about nonsense, so I won't have to worry about uncomfortable silences.

"TWO MORE HOURS!!!" Mason yells through the house. She is so excited to meet Gen, and I am so annoyed by it. "Come on, Charlie, you're excited, too, right?" I shrug. For the past week I've been working out so many different scenarios in my head about how this could go wrong. I lost track somewhere in the low thirties.

I slip on my black sneakers and my marvel cap, slipping out of the house. I hear Mason following after me, calling my name. I go around the house to the very small basketball court and pick up the basketball.

"Let's shoot hoops for a while," I say, tossing the ball through the net. Mason is getting so annoyed, I can tell. "Hey, we still have two hours. Are we just going to sit around and do nothing?" She scoffs.

"One hour, fifty five minutes," she mumbles, checking her phone. I roll my eyes and pass the ball to her, letting her shoot a few. She misses all of them. I give her a weird look. She throws the ball at me and I dodge it, looking at her confused as she walks away and starts playing on her phone.

"What the hell is your problem?" I ask, slightly frustrated.

"I feel like you should be more excited than you are. I mean, you are going to be living with Jared Padalecki!" I raise my eyebrows in question. "Are you feeling sick?" I roll my eyes.

"I'm fine. Are you okay?" She ignores me, turning her head the other way. "Mason, don't make me do it." She turns her head even farther away from me. I pull out my iPod and open YouTube, searching for a song that makes Mason dance. Coming to a final decision, I click on that song that goes like 'he be rollin down the street, he be rollin to the beat...' You know, that hilarious song that is currently playing on all of the Instagram videos? Yeah, that's it.

As soon as it starts playing, Mason jumps up and starts dancing awkwardly. I laugh the entire time. The song gets over in thirty seconds, leaving her a laughing mess on the ground. I help her get up after she regains her breath. She glances down at her watch.

"One hour, thirty minutes!" She says as if she's a drill sergeant. I smile a little as she marches in the house, head and shoulders high. I laugh and follow her into the house.


"CHARLIE!!!!" Mason yells through the house. I was taking a nap and her voice was loud enough to wake me up. "Move your ass! Thou shalt not keep the queen a-waiting!" I roll my eyes and get up, walking down the stairs.

"Gen is the queen?" I question, raising an eyebrow in suspicion.

"Duh. Now let's get moving." She rushes out of the house and a few seconds later I hear my truck start. I put my marvel cap on backwards (like the lil hipster I am), slip on my black sneakers, and grab my wallet as I shut the lights off and lock the front door. I move my hands up to cover my ears and wince as Mason beeps the horn.

We drive for about a half hour before we get to the airport. My hands start sweating a little when I think about being around all those people in the airport. Mason gives me a look and we exit the car, entering the airport.

"Do you see her anywhere?" She asks, nudging me with her elbow. I look around, the loud noises of people talking making me very uncomfortable. Then, I spot a familiar looking person.

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